- Herniorrhaphy
- The surgical repair of a hernia. Herniorrhaphy may be done under local or general anesthesia using a conventional incision or a laparoscope. The term "herniorrhaphy" comes from hernio-, referring to a hernia + the Greek rhaphe, a seam = putting a seam (or suture) in a hernia.
* * *- Bassini h. an operation for an indirect inguinal hernia repair; after reduction of the hernia, the sac is twisted, ligated, and cut off, then a new inguinal floor is made by uniting the edge of the internal oblique muscle to the inguinal ligament, placing on this the cord, and covering the latter by the external oblique muscle. SYN: Bassini operation.
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her·ni·or·rha·phy .hər-nē-'ȯr-ə-fē n, pl -phies an operation for hernia that involves opening the hernial sac, returning the contents to their normal place, obliterating the hernial sac, and closing the opening with strong sutures* * *
n.* * *
her·ni·or·rha·phy (hur″ne-orґə-fe) [hernia + -rrhaphy] surgical repair of a hernia; sometimes used specifically to denote a simple apposition and suturing of the defect. Cf. hernioplasty.
Medical dictionary. 2011.