feline enteritis
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feline enteritis — noun see feline distemper 1 * * * feline enteritis or feline distemper, a contagious virus disease of cats, usually fatal, characterized especially by diarrhea; cat distemper … Useful english dictionary
feline enteritis — /filaɪn ɛntəˈraɪtəs/ (say feeluyn entuh ruytuhs) noun a highly infectious, often fatal, virus disease of cats …
feline distemper — noun 1. or feline enteritis : panleucopenia 2. : a disease of cats closely related or identical to panleucopenia in which gastrointestinal symptoms predominate * * * distemper1 (def. 1c). Also called feline agranulocytosis, feline infectious… … Useful english dictionary
infectious feline enteritis — panleukopenia … Medical dictionary
Feline immunodeficiency virus — Taxobox name = Feline immunodeficiency virus virus group = vi familia = Retroviridae subfamilia = Orthoretrovirinae genus = Lentivirus species = Feline immunodeficiency virus Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), occasionally referred to as Feline … Wikipedia
feline distemper — distemper1 (def. 1c). Also called feline agranulocytosis, feline infectious enteritis, feline panleukopenia. [1940 45] * * * ▪ disease also called panleukopenia, or infectious enteritis, viral disease of cats, kittens two to six months… … Universalium
Feline Eosinophile Enteritis — Die Feline Eosinophile Enteritis ist eine Krankheit bei Katzen, die durch eine Darmentzündung (Enteritis) mit Infiltration eosinophiler Granulozyten gekennzeichnet ist. Sie kann im Rahmen einer Futterallergie auftreten oder als Manifestion des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
feline infectious enteritis — noun an often fatal, highly contagious viral disease of domestic cats, caused by a parvovirus and characterised by fever, somnolence, and diarrhoea; cat fever. Abbrev.: FIE Also, feline agranulocytosis, feline distemper …
feline parvovirus — a virus of the genus Parvovirus that primarily affects cats. Canine parvovirus, feline panleukopenia virus, and mink enteritis virus are sometimes considered to be host specific variant strains … Medical dictionary
feline panleukopenia virus — a virus of the genus Parvovirus that causes panleukopenia in cats and infections in other animals; it is antigenically closely related to canine parvovirus and mink enteritis virus. See also feline parvovirus … Medical dictionary