infectious feline enteritis
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feline enteritis — /filaɪn ɛntəˈraɪtəs/ (say feeluyn entuh ruytuhs) noun a highly infectious, often fatal, virus disease of cats …
feline distemper — noun 1. or feline enteritis : panleucopenia 2. : a disease of cats closely related or identical to panleucopenia in which gastrointestinal symptoms predominate * * * distemper1 (def. 1c). Also called feline agranulocytosis, feline infectious… … Useful english dictionary
feline distemper — distemper1 (def. 1c). Also called feline agranulocytosis, feline infectious enteritis, feline panleukopenia. [1940 45] * * * ▪ disease also called panleukopenia, or infectious enteritis, viral disease of cats, kittens two to six months… … Universalium
feline infectious enteritis — noun an often fatal, highly contagious viral disease of domestic cats, caused by a parvovirus and characterised by fever, somnolence, and diarrhoea; cat fever. Abbrev.: FIE Also, feline agranulocytosis, feline distemper …
feline agranulocytosis — /filaɪn əˌgrænjəloʊsaɪˈtoʊsəs/ (say feeluyn uh.granyuhlohsuy tohsuhs) noun → feline infectious enteritis …
feline distemper — /filaɪn dɪsˈtɛmpə/ (say feeluyn dis tempuh) noun → feline infectious enteritis …
Mink enteritis virus — Parvovirus Virus classification Group: Group II (ssDNA) Family: Parvoviridae Genus: Parvo … Wikipedia
panleukopenia — pan·leu·ko·pe·nia or chiefly Brit pan·leu·co·pe·nia .pan .lü kə pē nē ə n an acute usu. fatal epizootic disease esp. of cats that is caused by a single stranded RNA virus of the genus Parvovirus (species Feline panleukopenia virus) and is… … Medical dictionary
dis|tem|per — dis|tem|per1 «dihs TEHM puhr», noun, verb. –n. 1. a) an infectious disease of dogs and other animals, accompanied by fever, a short, dry cough, and weakness. It is caused by a virus and affects chiefly young dogs. b) a serious viral disease of… … Useful english dictionary
FIE — feline infectious enteritis …