equine encephalomyelitis — noun encephalitis caused by a virus that is transmitted by a mosquito from an infected horse • Syn: ↑equine encephalitis • Hypernyms: ↑encephalitis, ↑cephalitis, ↑phrenitis * * * noun : either of two virus induced encephalomyelitides chiefly… … Useful english dictionary
eastern equine encephalomyelitis — east·ern equine encephalomyelitis .ē stərn n EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (a) * * * (EEE) a form of equine encephalomyelitis that occurs in the eastern half of the United States and Canada, Mexico, and various other parts of the Americas. In humans… … Medical dictionary
Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis — n EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (c) * * * (VEE) a form of equine encephalomyelitis seen first in Colombia and Venezuela and later in Central America and the southwestern United States. The infection in humans resembles influenza, with only occasional… … Medical dictionary
western equine encephalomyelitis — n EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (b) * * * (WEE) a form of equine encephalomyelitis seen in the western United States and Canada, and from Mexico to South America; it is less severe and has a lower mortality rate than the eastern type. In humans it… … Medical dictionary
Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 A83.2 Östliche Pferdeenzephalitis (Eastern Equine Encephalitis) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Western Equine Encephalomyelitis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 A83.1 Westliche Pferdeenzephalitis (Western Equine Encephalitis) … Deutsch Wikipedia
equine encephalitis viruses — equine encephalomyelitis viruses a group of togavirus species of the genus Alphavirus, each named for the type of encephalomyelitis it causes in horses, other equines, and humans; birds serve as a reservoir and transmission is by mosquitoes. The… … Medical dictionary
equine encephalitis — n EQUINE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS * * * 1. equine encephalomyelitis. 2. Borna disease … Medical dictionary
infectious equine encephalomyelitis — noun : encephalomyelitis … Useful english dictionary
Encephalomyelitis — Inflammation of both the brain and the spinal cord. Encephalomyelitis can be caused by a variety of conditions that lead to inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Among the common causes of encephalomyelitis are viruses which infect the… … Medical dictionary