chronic granulomatous disease
- chronic granulomatous disease
chronic granulomatous disease n either of two diseases that are inherited as X-
linked and autosomal traits,
are characterized by recurrent infections which lead to granuloma formation at infection sites (
as the skin or lungs),
and result from a defect in the ability of white blood cells to destroy bacteria and fungi
* * *
(CGD), chronic granulomatous disease of childhood any of a group of hereditary (X-linked or autosomal recessive) immunodeficiencies, caused by failure of the respiratory burst, resulting in deficient microbicidal ability. Patients have frequent, severe, prolonged bacterial and fungal infections of the skin, oral and intestinal mucosa, reticuloendothelial system, bones, lungs, and genitourinary tract. The course of the disease varies: symptoms may appear in the neonate, with death in childhood, or a patient may survive into middle age. There seem to be no physiologic differences between the X-linked and the autosomal recessive types.
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Chronic granulomatous disease — Classification and external resources Superoxide ICD 10 D … Wikipedia
chronic granulomatous disease — ▪ pathology a group of rare inherited diseases characterized by the inability of certain white blood cells called phagocytes to destroy invading microorganisms. Individuals born with this defect are vulnerable to many bacterial and… … Universalium
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chronic granulomatous disease — noun Any of a group of hereditary defects in the ability of some phagocytes to kill certain bacteria; the resulting infection … Wiktionary
granulomatous — Having the characteristics of a granuloma. * * * gran·u·lo·ma·tous lō mə təs adj of, relating to, or characterized by granuloma <chronic granulomatous inflammation> see CHRONIC GRANULOMATOUS DISEASE * * * gran·u·lom·a·tous (gran″u… … Medical dictionary
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