Cheyne-Stokes respiration
- Cheyne-Stokes respiration
Cheyne-Stokes respiration .chān(-ē)-.stōks- n cyclic breathing marked by a gradual increase in the rapidity of respiration followed by a gradual decrease and total cessation for from 5 to 50 seconds and found esp.
in advanced kidney and heart disease,
and increased intracranial pressure called also Cheyne-Stokes breathing
Cheyne John (1777-1836)
British physician. One of the founding fathers of modern medicine in Ireland, Cheyne published reports on a number of medical subjects, including stroke, epidemic fevers, dysentery, melena, jaundice of the newborn, incipient phthisis, and fatal erethism of the stomach. In 1808 he produced an original description of acute hydrocephalus. In 1818 he published his original observations on a kind of breathing irregularity which was to become known as Cheyne-Stokes respiration.
Stokes William (1804-1878)
British physician. Stokes produced more than 140 books and articles, covering such medical topics as intestinal disorders, mediastinal tumors, hydrocephalus, cerebrospinal meningitis, cancer of the mouth, and sarcoma of the scrotum. His most important works were concerned with diseases of the chest, heart, and aorta. His book Diseases of the Chest (1837) was the first treatise on the subject in modern medicine. His 1846 description of heart block, described previously by Giovanni Morgagni and later by Robert Adams, was a classic, detailed description that was based on case histories from several sources. In 1854 Stokes used Cheyne's observations on respiration as a point of departure and wrote an extended description of the condition now known as Cheyne-Stokes respiration.
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a striking form of breathing in which there is a cyclical variation in the rate, which becomes slower until breathing stops for several seconds before speeding up to a peak and then slowing again. It occurs when the sensitivity of the respiratory centres in the brain is impaired, particularly in states of coma.
J. Cheyne (1777-1836), Scottish physician; W. Stokes (1804-78), Irish physician
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breathing characterized by rhythmic waxing and waning of the rate and depth of respiration, with regularly recurring periods of apnea; seen especially in coma resulting from affection of the nervous centers.
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Cheyne-Stokes respiration — ICD 10 R06.3 ICD 9 786.04 MeSH D002639 … Wikipedia
Cheyne-Stokes respiration — [chān′stōks′] n. respiration characterized by cycles of deep, rapid breathing and weak, slow breathing, as in cases of heart failure or coma * * * … Universalium
Cheyne-Stokes respiration — [chān′stōks′] n. respiration characterized by cycles of deep, rapid breathing and weak, slow breathing, as in cases of heart failure or coma … English World dictionary
Cheyne-Stokes respiration — adj. Med. (of a breathing cycle) with a gradual decrease of movement to a complete stop, followed by a gradual increase. Etymology: J. Cheyne, Sc. physician d. 1836, and W. Stokes, Ir. physician d. 1878 * * * noun abnormal respiration in which… … Useful english dictionary
Cheyne-Stokes respiration (breathing sign) — Cheyne Stokes res·pi·ra·tion (breathing, sign) (chānґ stōksґ) [John Cheyne, Scottish physician, 1777–1836; William Stokes, Irish physician, 1804–1878] see under respiration … Medical dictionary
Cheyne-Stokes respiration — a striking form of breathing in which there is a cyclical variation in the rate, which becomes slower until breathing stops for several seconds before speeding up to a peak and then slowing again. It occurs when the sensitivity of the respiratory … The new mediacal dictionary
cheyne-stokes breathing — noun see cheyne stokes respiration … Useful english dictionary
respiration de Cheyne-Stokes — ● respiration de Cheyne Stokes Dyspnée caractérisée par une succession de respirations de volume progressivement croissant puis décroissant, chaque cycle étant séparé du cycle suivant par une pause respiratoire … Encyclopédie Universelle
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