castration complex — /kasˈtreɪʃən ˌkɒmplɛks/ (say kahs trayshuhn .kompleks) noun in males, the infantile fear of damage to or loss of the genital organs; in females, the fantasy that the penis was once possessed but lost by castration …
castration complex — Psychoanal. an unconscious fear of losing the genital organs, esp. as punishment for oedipal feelings. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
castration complex — noun : a child s fear or delusion of genital injury at the hands of the parent of the same sex as punishment for unconscious guilt over oedipal strivings; broadly : the often unconscious fear or feeling of bodily injury or loss of power at the… … Useful english dictionary
castration — (n.) early 15c., castracioun, from L. castrationem (nom. castratio), noun of action from pp. stem of castrare to castrate, prune, related to *castrum knife, from PIE root *kes to cut (see CASTE (Cf. caste)). Freud s castration complex is attested … Etymology dictionary
complex — 1. An organized constellation of feelings, thoughts, perceptions, and memories that may be in part unconscious and may strongly influence associations and attitudes. 2. In chemistry, the relatively stable combination of two or more compounds into … Medical dictionary
complex — Synonyms and related words: Byzantine, Chinese puzzle, Diana complex, Electra complex, Gordian knot, Herculean, Oedipus complex, Rube Goldberg contraption, abstruse, acculturation, amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious, arduous, baffling … Moby Thesaurus
Castration anxiety — is an idea put forth by Sigmund Freud in his writings on the Oedipus complex; it posits a deep seated fear or anxiety in boys and men said to originate during the phallic stage of sexual development. It asserts that small boys, when seeing a… … Wikipedia
Castration — Removal of the sex glands, usually used to indicate removal of the male testicles. * * * 1. Removal of the testicles or ovaries. 2. See c. complex, castrate. functional c. gonadal atrophy produced by prolonged treatment with sex hormones. * * * n … Medical dictionary
complex — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 set of buildings ADJECTIVE ▪ huge, large, vast ▪ entertainment, holiday (BrE), leisure, shopping, sports … Collocations dictionary
complex — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. intricate, manifold, complicated, involved, knotty. n. tangle, knot, maze; informal, obsession, fixation; inferiority, persecution, Oedipus, etc. complex. See disorder, insanity, intellect. II… … English dictionary for students