basal ganglion — noun any of several masses of subcortical grey matter at the base of each cerebral hemisphere that seem to be involved in the regulation of voluntary movement • Hypernyms: ↑ganglion • Hyponyms: ↑amygdala, ↑amygdaloid nucleus, ↑corpus… … Useful english dictionary
basal ganglion — noun Date: circa 1889 any of four deeply placed masses of gray matter (as the amygdala) in each cerebral hemisphere called also basal nucleus … New Collegiate Dictionary
basal ganglion — Anat. any of several masses of gray matter in each cerebral hemisphere. [1910 15] * * * … Universalium
basal ganglion — noun Any of a group of nuclei in the brain interconnected with the cerebral cortex, thalamus and brainstem … Wiktionary
basal ganglion — ba′sal gang′lion n. anat. any of several masses of gray matter in the cerebral cortex, involved in the control of movement • Etymology: 1910–15 … From formal English to slang
basal nucleus — n BASAL GANGLION … Medical dictionary
Ganglion — The celebrated 2nd century Greek physician Galen ((c. 130 201 A.D.) who lived and worked in Rome first used the word ganglion to denote a nerve complex. Ganglion still is used to refer to an aggregation of nerve cell bodies. Another use of the… … Medical dictionary
basal — basic, basal Both are 19c words. Basic is the normal word in general contexts, and has usurped the role of other words such as essential and fundamental. Basal is used only in technical contexts and has a physical meaning more clearly connected… … Modern English usage
basal nucleus — noun see basal ganglion … New Collegiate Dictionary
Basal ganglia — Infobox Brain Name = Basal ganglia Latin = nuclei basales GraySubject = GrayPage = Caption = Basal ganglia labeled at top right. Caption2 = IsPartOf = Components = Artery = Vein = BrainInfoType = hier BrainInfoNumber = 206 MeshName =… … Wikipedia