- Puerperium
- The time immediately after the delivery of a baby. (In Latin a "puerpera" is a woman in childbirth since "puer" means child and "parere" means to give birth.) Puerperal fever is childbirth (or childbed) fever due to an infection usually of the placental site within the uterus. If that infection involves the bloodstream, it constitutes puerperal sepsis.
* * *Period from the termination of labor to complete involution of the uterus, usually defined as 42 days. [L. childbirth, fr. puer, child, + pario, to bring forth]
* * *
pu·er·pe·ri·um .pyü-ər-'pir-ē-əm n, pl -ria -ē-ə the period between childbirth and the return of the uterus to its normal size* * *
n.the period of up to about six weeks after childbirth, during which the uterus returns to its normal size (i.e. involution takes place).* * *
pu·er·pe·ri·um (pu″ər-pērґe-əm) [L.] the period from the end of the third stage of labor until involution of the uterus is complete, usually lasting 3 to 6 weeks. puerperal adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.