- Port-wine stain
- A mark on the skin that resembles port wine (porto) in its rich ruby red color. Due to an abnormal aggregation of capillaries, a port-wine stain is a type of hemangioma. it occurs on the face as a sign of Sturge-Weber syndrome.
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port-wine stain 'pȯrt-.wīn- n a reddish purple superficial hemangioma of the skin commonly occurring as a birthmark called also nevus flammeus, port-wine mark* * *
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a persistent dark red to purple nevus flammeus, usually on the face, growing proportionately with the affected child. At first it is macular, but it may later develop angiomatous overgrowths. Port-wine stains often occur in association with other congenital abnormalities, such as the Klippel-Trйnaunay and Sturge-Weber syndromes. Called also port-wine mark or nevus.Port-wine stain.
Medical dictionary. 2011.