- Apraxia
- The inability to execute a voluntary motor movement despite being able to demonstrate normal muscle function. Apraxia is not related to a lack of understanding or to any kind of physical paralysis but is caused by a problem in the cortex of the brain.
* * *1. A disorder of voluntary movement, consisting of impairment in the performance of skilled or purposeful movements, notwithstanding the preservation of comprehension, muscular power, sensibility, and coordination in general; due to acquired cerebral disease. 2. A psychomotor defect in which the proper use of an object can not be carried out although the object can be named and its uses described. [G. a- priv. + pratto, to do]- constructional a. a. manifested as an impairment in activity such as building, assembling, and drawings; caused by parietal lobe lesions. SYN: apractagnosia.- ideokinetic a., ideomotor a. a form of a. in which simple acts are incapable of being performed, presumably because the connections between the cortical centers that control volition and the motor cortex are interrupted. SYN: transcortical a..- motor a. an inability to make movements or to use objects for the purpose intended. SYN: cortical a., innervation a., limb-kinetic a..- ocular motor a. a congenital inability to initiate horizontal saccades. Children with this condition often use head thrusts to move their eyes to the left and right.- verbal a. a speech disorder in which phonemic substitutions are constantly used for the desired syllable or word.
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aprax·ia (')ā-'prak-sē-ə n loss or impairment of the ability to execute complex coordinated movements without muscular or sensory impairment compare EUPRAXIA* * *
n.an inability to make skilled movements with accuracy. This is a disorder of the cerebral cortex resulting in the patient's inability to organize the movements rather than clumsiness due to weakness, sensory loss, or disease of the cerebellum. It is most often caused by disease of the parietal lobe of the brain and sometimes by disease of the frontal lobes.* * *
aprax·ia (ə-prakґse-ə) [Gr. “a not acting,†“want of successâ€] loss of ability to carry out familiar, purposeful movements in the absence of paralysis or other motor or sensory impairment. Cf. dyspraxia. apractic apraxic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.