- Osteomyelitis
- Inflammation of the bone due to infection, for example by the bacteria salmonella or staphylococcus. Osteomyelitis is sometimes a complication of surgery or injury, although infection can also reach bone tissue through the bloodstream. Both the bone and the bone marrow may be infected. Symptoms include deep pain and muscle spasms in the area of inflammation, and fever. Treatment is by bed rest, antibiotics (usually injected locally), and sometimes surgery to remove dead bone tissue.
* * *Inflammation of the bone marrow and adjacent bone. SYN: central osteitis (1). [osteo- + G. myelos, marrow, + -itis, inflammation]- chronic diffuse sclerosing o. a proliferative reaction of bone to a low-grade infection of the jaws; most often seen in middle-aged or older black women as extensive, often bilateral radio-opacities of the mandible and maxilla.- chronic focal sclerosing o. a reaction of bone to a mild bacterial infection, often the result of a carious tooth, in persons with a high degree of tissue resistance; results in a localized radio-opacity. SYN: focal condensing osteitis.- Garré o. chronic o. with proliferative periostitis. A focal gross thickening of the periosteum with peripheral reactive bone formation resulting from mild infection.
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os·teo·my·eli·tis -.mī-ə-'līt-əs n, pl -elit·i·des -ə-'lit-ə-.dēz an infectious usu. painful inflammatory disease of bone that is often of bacterial origin and may result in death of bone tissue* * *
n.inflammation of bone due to infection. Acute osteomyelitis occurs when bacteria enter the bone via the bloodstream and is more common in children. There is severe pain, tenderness, and redness over the involved bone, accompanied by general illness and high fever. Treatment is by antibiotics, and surgical drainage and curettage are often required. Chronic osteomyelitis may develop from partially treated acute osteomyelitis or after open fractures or surgery during which the bone is contaminated; tuberculosis is an occasional cause. Osteomyelitis can cause fracture and deformity of the bone.* * *
os·teo·my·eli·tis (os″te-o-mi″ə-liґtis) [osteo- + myelitis] inflammation of bone caused by infection, usually by a pyogenic organism, although any infectious agent may be involved. It may remain localized or may spread through the bone to involve the marrow, cortex, cancellous tissue, and periosteum. osteomyelitic adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.