- Nephrosis
- Non-inflammatory, non-neoplastic disease of the kidney. Nephrosis an be caused by kidney disease, or it may be a complication of another disorder, particularly diabetes. Diagnosis is by urine testing for the presence of protein, blood testing for lower than normal levels of protein, and observation of edema. Treatment is usually with adrenal hormones. Also known as nephrotic syndrome.
* * *1. SYN: nephropathy. 2. Degeneration of renal tubular epithelium. 3. SYN: nephrotic syndrome. [nephro- + G. -osis, condition]- acute lobar n. a severe but localized bacterial infection of the renal parenchyma that may produce a mass effect simulating a renal abscess.- amyloid n. 1. SYN: renal amyloidosis. 2. the nephrotic syndrome due to deposition of amyloid in the kidney.- familial n. [MIM*256300] the nephrotic syndrome appearing in siblings in infancy, without nerve deafness; inherited as an autosomal recessive, the Finnish type of which is due to mutation in the nephrin gene on chromosome 19q.- hemoglobinuric n. acute oliguric renal failure associated with hemoglobinuria, due to massive intravascular hemolysis, e.g., following an incompatible blood transfusion; the kidneys show the morphologic changes of hypoxic n..- hypoxic n. acute oliguric renal failure following hemorrhage, burns, shock, or other causes of hypovolemia and reduced renal blood flow; frequently associated with patchy tubular necrosis, tubulorrhexis, and distal tubular casts of hemoglobin.- lipoid n. idiopathic nephrotic syndrome occurring most commonly in children, in which glomeruli show minimal changes with no thickening of the basement membranes, fat vacuoles in the tubular epithelium, and fusion of glomerular foot processes. SYN: minimal-change disease, nil disease.- osmotic n. swelling of renal tubular epithelium associated with glomerular filtration of sugars and dextrose; the swelling is due to formation of cytoplasmic vesicles by pinocytosis, and is reversible, probably with no dysfunction, when produced by glucose or mannitol.- toxic n. acute oliguric renal failure due to chemical poisons, septicemia, or bacterial toxemia; frequently associated with extensive necrosis of proximal convoluted tubules.
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ne·phro·sis ni-'frō-səs n, pl ne·phro·ses -.sēz a noninflammatory disease of the kidneys chiefly affecting function of the nephrons esp NEPHROTIC SYNDROME compare NEPHRITIS* * *
ne·phro·sis (nə-froґsis) pl. nephroґses [nephr- + -osis] 1. nephropathy. 2. any disease of the kidneys that includes purely degenerative lesions of the tubules.
Medical dictionary. 2011.