- Nephrosclerosis
- : Hardening (sclerosis) of the kidney usually due to disease of the blood vessels in it from atherosclerosis.
* * *Fibrosis of the kidney from overgrowth and contraction of the interstitial connective tissue. [nephro- + G. sklerosis, hardening]- arterial n. patchy atrophic scarring of the kidney due to arteriosclerotic narrowing of the lumens of large branches of the renal artery, occurring in old or hypertensive persons and occasionally causing hypertension. SYN: arterionephrosclerosis, senile n..- arteriolar n. renal scarring due to arteriolar sclerosis resulting from longstanding hypertension; the kidneys are finely granular and mildly or moderately contracted, with hyaline thickening of the walls of afferent glomerular arterioles and hyaline scarring of scattered glomeruli; chronic renal failure develops infrequently. SYN: arteriolonephrosclerosis, benign n..- malignant n. the renal changes in malignant hypertension; subcapsular petechiae, necrosis in the walls of scattered afferent glomerular arterioles, and red blood cells and casts in the urine, with uremia as a common termination.
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neph·ro·scle·ro·sis .nef-rō-sklə-'rō-səs n, pl -ro·ses -.sēz hardening of the kidney specif a condition that is characterized by sclerosis of the renal arterioles with reduced blood flow and contraction of the kidney, that is associated usu. with hypertension, and that terminates in renal failure and uremia compare NEPHRITIS* * *
n.hardening of the arteries and arterioles of the kidneys. Arteriolar nephrosclerosis is associated with hypertension.* * *
neph·ro·scle·ro·sis (nef″ro-sklə-roґsis) [nephro- + sclerosis] sclerosis or hardening of the kidney, usually due to renovascular disease.
Medical dictionary. 2011.