
SYN: hairs of vestibule of nose, under hair. [L. found only in pl. vibrissae, fr. vibro, to quiver]

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vi·bris·sa -'bris-ə, - n, pl vi·bris·sae -'bris-(.)ē; və-'bris-(.)ē, -ī
1) any of the stiff hairs that are located esp. about the nostrils or on other parts of the face in many mammals and that often serve as tactile organs
2) any of the stiff hairs growing within the nostrils that serve to impede the inhalation of foreign substances
vi·bris·sal -əl adj

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n. (pl. vibrissae)
a stiff coarse hair, especially one of the stiff hairs that lie just inside the nostrils.

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vi·bris·sa (vi-brisґə) [L.] singular of vibrissae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • vibrissa — pl. vibrissae, 1690s, from L. vibrissa, akin to vibrare to vibrate (see VIBRATE (Cf. vibrate)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Vibrissa — Vi*bris sa, n.; pl. {Vibriss[ae]}. [L. vibrissae, pl., the hairs in the nostrils of man, fr. vibrare to vibrate; so called because touching them tickles a person, and causes him to shake his head.] 1. (Anat.) One of the specialized or tactile… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vibrissa — s. f. 1. Cada um dos pelos que se desenvolvem nas fossas nasais. 2. Pena filiforme das aves. 3. Cada um dos pelos rijos e táteis de certos mamíferos.   ‣ Etimologia: latim vibrissae, arum …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • vibrissa — [vī bris′ə] n. pl. vibrissae [vī bris′ē] [ModL < L vibrissae, pl., akin to vibrare, to VIBRATE] Anat. Zool. 1. any of the stiff hairs growing in or near the nostrils of certain animals and often serving as organs of touch, as a cat s whiskers… …   English World dictionary

  • Vibrissa — Vibrissae (singular: vibrissa), or whiskers, are specialized hairs, usually employed for tactile sensation, but can also refer to the stiff feathers near the mouths of some birds. Vibrissae hairs commonly grow around the nostrils, above the lips …   Wikipedia

  • vibrissa — n.; pl. sae [L. vibrissa, whisker] 1. Stiff hairs or bristles. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) For Diptera, see oral vibrissae …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • vibrissa — vi·brìs·sa s.f. 1. TS zool. nei Mammiferi, ciascuno dei peli con funzioni sensoriali e tattili raggruppati sul muso, sugli arti o sull addome | CO pl., i baffi dei gatti 2. TS anat. nell uomo, ciascuno dei peli impiantati nel vestibolo delle… …   Dizionario italiano

  • vibrissa — noun (plural vibrissae) Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Latin vibrare Date: circa 1693 1. one of the stiff hairs that are located especially about the nostrils or on other parts of the face in many mammals and that often serve as tactile organs 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vibrissa — vibrissal, adj. /vuy bris euh/, n., pl. vibrissae / bris ee/. 1. one of the stiff, bristly hairs growing about the mouth of certain animals, as a whisker of a cat. 2. one of the long, slender, bristlelike feathers growing along the side of the… …   Universalium

  • vibrissa — noun Any of the tactile whiskers on the nose of an animal such as a cat …   Wiktionary

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