
A genus of smuts (order Ustilaginales). [L. a kind of thistle, fr. ustio, a burning]
- U. maydis a smut species that resembles ergot of rye in its metabolic action; its black spores on the ears of corn are dispersed by wind and can cause contamination of laboratory cultures. SYN: corn ergot, corn smut, U. zeae.
- U. zeae SYN: U. maydis.

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Us·ti·la·go .əs--'- n a genus (the type of the family Ustilaginaceae) of parasitic fungi that cause various destructive plant diseases esp. of cereal grasses

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Us·ti·la·go (us-laґgo) [L.] a genus of smuts, fungi of the family Ustilaginaceae that are parasitic on plants. U. mayґdis and U. zeґae cause corn smut, and the ingestion of contaminated seeds causes ustilaginism.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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