
Poisoning by Ustilago maydis (corn smut), which produces burning, itching, hyperemia, acrocyanosis, and edema of the extremities; resembles ergotism, pellagra, or infantile acrocynia.

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us·ti·lag·i·nism .əs-tə-'laj-ə-.niz-əm n a toxic condition caused by eating corn infested with a parasitic fungus of the genus Ustilago (U. maydis)

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us·ti·lag·i·nism (us″tĭ-lajґĭ-niz-əm) a condition resembling ergotism, seen in animals that have eaten corn contaminated with Ustilago maydis or U. zeae.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • corn smut — SYN: Ustilago maydis. * * * a smut of Zea mays caused by Ustilago maydis; ingestion of the infected seeds causes ustilaginism …   Medical dictionary

  • smut — A fungal disease of cereal grains caused by species of Ustilago and characterized by dark brown or black masses of spores on the plants; e.g., corn s. (U. maydis); loose s. of wheat (U. nuda) * * * smut smət n any of various destructive diseases… …   Medical dictionary

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