
An optical device passed in a retrograde fashion through the bladder up into the ureter to inspect the ureteral lumen and kidney collecting system.

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ure·tero·scope yu̇-'rēt-ə-rō-.skōp n an endoscope for visually examining and passing instruments into the interior of the ureter

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a rigid or flexible instrument that can be passed into the ureter and up into the pelvis of the kidney. It is most commonly used to visualize a stone in the ureter and remove it safely under direct vision with a stone basket or forceps. Larger stones need to be fragmented before removal with an ultrasound or electrohydraulic lithotripsy probe, lithoclast, or lasers. Ureteroscopy can also be used to visualize tumours in the ureter, and a flexible ureteroscope can be passed into the kidney to visualize and treat tumours or stones.

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ure·tero·scope (u-reґtər-o-skōp″) a fiberoptic endoscope used in ureteroscopy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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