- triamcinolone
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tri·am·cin·o·lone .trī-.am-'sin-əl-.ōn n a glucocorticoid drug C21H27FO6 that is administered esp. in the form of its acetal and acetate derivatives for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant effects and that is used chiefly in the treatment of skin disorders, asthma, and allergic rhinitis see azmacort, KENACORT, nasacort* * *
n.a synthetic corticosteroid hormone that reduces inflammation but does not cause salt and water retention. It is used for treating a wide range of inflammatory and allergic conditions, including arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, and hay fever. It is administered by mouth, injection, nasal spray, and topically; common side-effects include headache, dizziness, somnolence, muscle weakness, and a fall in blood pressure, particularly on the sudden withdrawal of treatment. Trade names: Adcortyl, Kenalog, Lederspan, Nasacort.* * *
tri·am·cin·o·lone (tri″am-sinґə-lōn) [USP] a synthetic glucocorticoid used in replacement therapy for adrenocortical insufficiency and as an antiinflammatory and immunosuppressant in a wide variety of disorders; administered orally.
Medical dictionary. 2011.