Lancet — may refer to:*lancet (surgery), a medical instrument, similar to a scalpel but with a double edged blade. *lancet, a needle used in a lancing device. Used by those with diabetes. *lancet, an acutely pointed arch in gothic architecture * Lancet ,… … Wikipedia
Lancet — Lan cet, n. [F. lancette, dim. of lance lance. See {Lance}.] 1. A surgical knife like instrument of various forms, commonly sharp pointed and two edged, used in venesection, and in opening abscesses, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. (Metal.) An iron bar… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lancet arch — Lancet Lan cet, n. [F. lancette, dim. of lance lance. See {Lance}.] 1. A surgical knife like instrument of various forms, commonly sharp pointed and two edged, used in venesection, and in opening abscesses, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. (Metal.) An iron … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lancet architecture — Lancet Lan cet, n. [F. lancette, dim. of lance lance. See {Lance}.] 1. A surgical knife like instrument of various forms, commonly sharp pointed and two edged, used in venesection, and in opening abscesses, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. (Metal.) An iron … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lancet — The Lancet The Lancet {{{nomorigine}}} Pays … Wikipédia en Français
lancet — noun Date: 15th century 1. a sharp pointed and commonly 2 edged surgical instrument used to make small incisions 2. a. lancet window b. lancet arch … New Collegiate Dictionary
lancet — /lan sit, lahn /, n. 1. a small surgical instrument, usually sharp pointed and two edged, for making small incisions, opening abscesses, etc. 2. Archit. a. a lancet arch. b. a lancet window. [1375 1425; late ME lancette < MF. See LANCE1, ET] * *… … Universalium
lancet — lan•cet [[t]ˈlæn sɪt, ˈlɑn [/t]] n. 1) srg a sharp pointed surgical instrument, usu. with two edges, for making small incisions 2) archit. a) lancet arch b) lancet window • Etymology: 1375–1425; late ME lancette < MF. See lance, et … From formal English to slang
lancet — /ˈlænsət / (say lansuht), /ˈlans / (say lahns ) noun 1. a small surgical instrument, usually sharp pointed and two edged, for opening abscesses, etc. 2. Architecture a. a lancet arch. b. a lancet window. {late Middle English lawnset, from Old… …
instrument — Synonyms and related words: Bourdon tube, Charlie McCarthy, Danish balance, Federal, Gramophone, Gyropilot, Mach meter, Roman balance, Teletype, Weightometer, X ray machine, absolute altimeter, accelerometer, adapt, aerial reconnaissance camera,… … Moby Thesaurus