
1. Trivial name for enzymes in EC group 3.1.6, the sulfuric ester hydrolases, which catalyze the hydrolysis of sulfuric esters (sulfates) to the corresponding alcohols plus inorganic sulfate; includes aryl-, sterol, glycol-, chondroitin, choline-, cellulose, cerebroside, and chondro- sulfatases. 2. SYN: arylsulfatase.
- multiple s. deficiency an inherited disorder (autosomal recessive) in which there is a failure to hydrolyze sulfatides and sulfated mucopolysaccharides; this failure leads to their accumulation in neural and extraneural tissues, causing demyelination, sulfatiduria, facial and skeletal dysmorphism, etc.

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sul·fa·tase or chiefly Brit sul·pha·tase 'səl--.tās, -.tāz n any of various esterases that accelerate the hydrolysis of sulfuric esters and that are found in animal tissues and in microorganisms

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sul·fa·tase (sulґfə-tās) 1. a term used in the recommended and trivial names for the sulfuric ester hydrolases [EC 3.1.6], which catalyze the cleavage of inorganic sulfate from sulfate esters to form alcohols. 2. arylsulfatase.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • sulfatase — noun Etymology: 1sulfate Date: 1924 any of various esterases that accelerate the hydrolysis of sulfuric esters and that are found in animal tissues and in microorganisms (as bacteria) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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