- sporogeny
- SYN: sporogony.
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spo·rog·e·ny (spə-rojґə-ne) [sporo- + -geny] sporulation (def. 1).
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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spo·rog·e·ny (spə-rojґə-ne) [sporo- + -geny] sporulation (def. 1).Medical dictionary. 2011.
sporogeny — spo·rog·e·ny … English syllables
sporogeny — nē noun ( es) Etymology: spor + geny : sporogenesis … Useful english dictionary
sporogony — The formation of sporozoites in sporozoan protozoa, a process of asexual division within the sporoblast, which becomes the sporocyst within an oocyst; follows fusion of gametes (gametogony) and zygote (sp … Medical dictionary
Sporozoea — A large class of protozoans (phylum Apicomplexa, subkingdom Protozoa) consisting of obligatory parasites with simple spores lacking polar filaments; cilia and flagella are absent (except for microgametes, found in some groups), and locomotion is… … Medical dictionary
sporulation — The process by which yeasts undergo meiosis, and the meiotic products are encased in spore coats. * * * spor·u·la·tion .spōr (y)ə lā shən, .spȯr n the formation of spores esp division into many small spores (as after encystment) * * *… … Medical dictionary