
1. The axial part of the body, i.e., head, neck, trunk, and tail, excluding the limbs. 2. All of an organism with the exception of the germ cells. SEE ALSO: body. 3. The body of a nerve cell, from which axons, dendrites, etc. project. [G. s., body]
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Student Osteopathic Medical Association; subjective, objective, management, and analytic [scale]

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so·ma 'sō-mə n, pl so·ma·ta 'sō-mət-ə or somas
1) the body of an organism
2) all of an organism except the germ cells

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1. the entire body excluding the germ cells.
2. the body as distinct from the mind.

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So·ma (soґmə) trademark for combination preparations of carisoprodol and aspirin.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • soma — [ sɔma ] n. m. • 1892; gr. sôma « corps » ♦ Biol. 1 ♦ L ensemble des lignées cellulaires non sexuelles de l organisme (opposé à germen ). ⇒aussi hérédité. 2 ♦ Corps cellulaire du neurone. ● soma …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • soma (1) — {{hw}}{{soma (1)}{{/hw}}s. f. 1 Carico posto sulla groppa di un quadrupede | Bestia da –s, atta al trasporto di carichi; (fig.) chi si sottopone a un lavoro eccessivo e sfibrante. 2 (fig., lett.) Onere morale. 3 (fig., lett.) Oppressione, spec.… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

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