
A major category of snakes that includes the viper and rattlesnake families. [L., fr. G. solen, pipe channel, + glypho, to carve]

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So·le·nog·ly·pha .sō-lə-'näg-lə-fə n pl in some classifications a group of venomous snakes with tubular erectile fangs comprising the families Viperidae and Crotalidae

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So·le·nog·ly·pha (so″lə-nogґlĭ-fə) [soleno- + Gr. glyphein to cut out with a knife] a group of venomous snakes with fangs that are hollow like a hypodermic needle and that normally fold back against the roof of the mouth but can be erected for striking and piercing. Examples are the massasauga and the rattlesnakes.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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