
1. The keeping in the body of what normally belongs there, especially the retaining of food and drink in the stomach. 2. The keeping in the body of what normally should be discharged, as urine or feces. 3. Retaining that which has been learned so that it can be utilized later as in recall, recognition, or, if r. is partial, relearning. SEE ALSO: memory. 4. Resistance to dislodgement. 5. In dentistry, a passive period following treatment when a patient is wearing an appliance or appliances to maintain or stabilize the teeth in the new position into which they have been moved. [L. retentio, a holding back]
- denture r. the means by which dentures are held in position in the mouth.
- direct r. r. obtained in a removable partial denture by the use of attachments or clasps that resist their removal from the abutment teeth.
- indirect r. r. obtained in a removable partial denture through the use of indirect retainers.
- partial denture r. the fixation of a removable partial denture by the use of clasps, indirect retainers, or precision attachments.

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re·ten·tion ri-'ten-chən n
1) the act of retaining: as
a) abnormal retaining of a fluid or secretion in a body cavity <\retention of urine> <\retention of bile>
b) the holding in place of a tooth or dental replacement by means of a retainer
2) a preservation of the aftereffects of experience and learning that makes recall or recognition possible

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inability to pass urine, which is retained in the bladder. The condition may be acute and painful or chronic and painless. Acute urinary retention (AUR) can be precipitated by surgery, urinary infection, constipation, and drugs; spontaneous AUR is usually caused by enlargement of the prostate gland in men, although many other conditions may result in obstruction of bladder outflow. Retention is relieved by catheter drainage of the bladder, after which the underlying problem is dealt with. See also intermittent self-catheterization.

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re·ten·tion (re-tenґshən) [L. retentio, from retentare to hold firmly back] 1. the act or process of keeping in possession, or of holding in place or position. 2. the persistent keeping within the body of matter normally excreted. 3. in cavity preparation, the prevention of displacement of a restoration. 4. in orthodontic therapy, the period during which the patient is wearing an appliance(s) to maintain and stabilize the teeth in the position into which they were moved.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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