
1. SYN: network (1). 2. A structure composed of a fibrous network or mesh. [L. a net]
- r. acromiale arteriae thoracoacromialis [TA] SYN: acromial anastomosis of the thoracoacromial artery.
- r. arteriosum [TA] SYN: arterial plexus.
- r. articulare cubiti [TA] SYN: cubital anastomosis.
- r. articulare genus [TA] SYN: genicular anastomosis.
- r. calcaneum [TA] SYN: calcaneal anastomosis.
- r. canalis hypoglossi SYN: venous plexus of canal of hypoglossal nerve.
- r. carpale dorsale [TA] SYN: dorsal carpal arterial arch.
- r. carpi posterius SYN: dorsal carpal arterial arch.
- r. cutaneum corii the network of vessels parallel to the surface between the corium and the tela subcutanea.
- r. foraminis ovalis SYN: venous plexus of foramen ovale.
- Haller r. SYN: r. testis.
- r. halleri SYN: r. testis.
- r. malleolare laterale [TA] SYN: lateral malleolar network.
- r. malleolare mediale [TA] SYN: medial malleolar network.
- malpighian r. SYN: malpighian stratum.
- r. mirabile [TA] a vascular network interrupting the continuity of an artery or vein, such as occurs in the glomeruli of the kidney (arterial) or in the liver (venous).
- r. ovarii a transient network of cells in the developing ovary; homologous to the r. testis.
- r. patellare [TA] SYN: patellar anastomosis.
- r. subpapillare the network of vessels between the papillary and reticular strata of the corium.
- r. testis [TA] the network of canals at the termination of the straight tubules in the mediastinum testis. SYN: Haller r., r. halleri.
- r. vasculosum articulare [TA] SYN: articular vascular plexus.
- r. venosum dorsale manus [TA] SYN: dorsal venous network of hand.
- r. venosum dorsale pedis [TA] SYN: dorsal venous network of foot.
- r. venosum plantare [TA] SYN: plantar venous network.

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re·te 'rēt-ē, 'rāt- n, pl re·tia 'rēt-ē-ə, 'rāt-
1) a network esp. of blood vessels or nerves: PLEXUS
2) an anatomical part resembling or including a network

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a network of blood vessels, nerve fibres, or other strands of interlacing tissue in the structure of an organ. The rete testis is a network of tubules conducting sperm from the seminiferous tubules of the testis to the vasa efferentia.

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re·te (reґte) pl. reґtia [L. “net”] anatomical nomenclature for a network, especially of arteries or veins. See also net, network, and plexus. retial adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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