
The genetics (inheritance) of the immune response. For example, the study of the Rh, ABO and other blood groups or the HLA system important to kidney and other transplants.
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im·mu·no·ge·net·ics -jə-'net-iks n pl but sing in constr a branch of immunology concerned with the interrelations of heredity, disease, and the immune system esp. with regard to the way in which the genetic information required to produce the diversity of antibodies required by the immune system is stored in the genome, transmitted from one generation to the next, and expressed in the organism
im·mu·no·ge·net·ic -ik adj
im·mu·no·ge·net·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē) adv

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im·mu·no·ge·net·ics (im″u-no-jə-netґiks) [immuno- + genetics] the study of the genetics of the immune response, such as the study of immune response genes, or the association of human leukocyte antigens with disease susceptibility, or the generation of antibody diversity.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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