- Hysterectomy
- A surgical operation to remove the uterus and, sometimes, the cervix. Removal of the entire uterus and the cervix is referred to as a total hysterectomy. Removal of the body of the uterus without removing the cervix is referred to as a subtotal hysterectomy. History: James Blundell, a London obstetrician, performed the first successful hysterectomy in 1828. He also proposed doing a Caesarean hysterectomy (removing the uterus with the baby within it) to save the life of the mother (and baby). Blundell is considered a founder of modern abdominal surgery.
* * *Removal of the uterus; unless otherwise specified, usually denotes complete removal of the uterus (corpus and cervix). [hystero- + G. ektome, excision]- abdominal h. removal of the uterus through an incision in the abominal wall. SYN: abdominohysterectomy.- abdominovaginal h. a combined vaginal and abdominal surgical approach that allows partial or complete removal of vagina, vulva, rectum, and perineum (abdominoperineal approach), as well as pelvic organs; usually done in cases of advanced pelvic cancer.- laparoscopic-assisted vaginal h. vaginal h. in which the ovarian pedicle, broad ligament, and uterosacral ligaments are surgically severed using laparoscopic instruments and the procedure completed through a colpotomy done in the typical fashion.- modified radical h. an extended h. in which a portion of the upper vagina is removed; the ureters are exposed and pulled back laterally without dissection from the ureteral bed. SYN: TeLinde operation.- subtotal h. SYN: supracervical h..- supracervical h. removal of the fundus of the uterus, leaving the cervix in situ. SYN: subtotal h..- vaginal h. removal of the uterus through the vagina without incising the wall of the abdomen. SYN: colpohysterectomy, vaginohysterectomy.
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hys·ter·ec·to·my .his-tə-'rek-tə-mē n, pl -mies surgical removal of the uterus see OVARIOHYSTERECTOMY, PANHYSTERECTOMY, RADICAL HYSTERECTOMY, SUPRACERVICAL HYSTERECTOMYhys·ter·ec·to·mized also Brit hys·ter·ec·to·mised -tə-.mīzd adj* * *
n.the surgical removal of the uterus, either through an incision in the abdominal wall (abdominal hysterectomy) or through the vagina (vaginal hysterectomy). Subtotal hysterectomy (rarely performed now) involves removing the body of the uterus but leaving the neck (cervix); in total hysterectomy the entire uterus is removed. The operation is performed for cancerous conditions affecting the uterus and for nonmalignant conditions (e.g. fibroids) in which there is excessive menstrual bleeding. Although pregnancy is no longer possible, hysterectomy does not affect sexual desire or activity.* * *
hys·ter·ec·to·my (his″tər-ekґtə-me) [hystero- + -ectomy] the operation of excising the entire uterus, performed either through the abdominal wall (abdominal h.) or through the vagina (vaginal h.).
Medical dictionary. 2011.