
The anteroinferior portion of the hip bone, distinct at birth but later becoming fused with the ilium and ischium; it is composed of a body that articulates with its fellow at the symphysis p., and two rami; the superior ramus enters into the formation of the acetabulum, and the inferior ramus fuses with the ramus of the ischium to form the ischiopubic ramus. SYN: os p..

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pu·bis 'pyü-bəs n, pl pu·bes -(.)bēz the ventral and anterior of the three principal bones composing either half of the pelvis that in humans consists of two rami diverging posteriorly from the region of the pubic symphysis with the superior ramus extending to the acetabulum of which it forms a part and uniting there with the ilium and ischium and the inferior ramus extending below the obturator foramen where it unites with the ischium called also pubic bone

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n. (pl. pubes)
a bone forming the lower and anterior part of each side of the hip bone (see also pelvis). The two pubes meet at the front of the pelvis at the pubic symphysis. See also pubes.

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pu·bis (puґbis) [L., gen. of pubes] TA alternative for os pubis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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