
Severance of the pubic bone a few centimeters lateral to the symphysis, in order to increase the capacity of a contracted pelvis sufficiently to permit the passage of a living child. [L. pubis, pubic bone, + G. tome, incision]

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pu·bi·ot·o·my .pyü--'ät-ə- n, pl -mies surgical division of a pubis lateral to the pubic symphysis esp. to facilitate delivery

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an operation to divide the pubic bone near the symphysis, the front midline where the left and right pubic bones meet. Pubiotomy is now rarely performed during childbirth if it is found necessary to increase the size of an abnormally small pelvis to allow passage of the child and a Caesarean section is contraindicated. It is also rarely done to facilitate access to the base of the bladder and the urethra during complex urological procedures (e.g. urethroplasty).

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pu·bi·ot·o·my (pube-otґə-me) [pubis + -tomy] surgical separation of the pubic bone lateral to the median line.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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