- prurigo
- A chronic disease of the skin marked by a persistent eruption of papules that itch intensely. [L. itch, fr. prurio, to itch]- p. aestivalis p. recurring each summer, becoming very severe as long as the hot weather continues. SYN: actinic p., summer p..- p. gestationis a pruritic papular skin disease occurring in pregnant women, without adversely affecting pregnancy or the fetus.- Hebra p. a severe form of chronic dermatitis with secondary infection in which there are constantly recurring, intensely itchy papules and nodules, often associated with atopy.- p. mitis a mild form of a chronic dermatitis characterized by recurring, intensely itching papules and nodules, probably atopic.- p. nodularis an eruption of hard, dome-shaped nodules (Picker nodules) in the skin caused by rubbing and accompanied by intense itching; occasionally due to mycobacterial infection, the cause is usually unknown.
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pru·ri·go prü-'rī-(.)gō n a chronic inflammatory skin disease marked by a general eruption of small itching papules* * *
n.an intensely itchy eruption of small papules. Besnier's prurigo is a type of chronic atopic eczema that is lichenified (see lichenification). Nodular prurigo is a condition of unknown cause, although it is usually found in atopic individuals (see atopy). Very severe itching characterizes these nodules, which mostly occur on the distal limbs. Prurigo of pregnancy occurs in 1 in 300 women in the middle trimester of pregnancy, affecting mainly the abdomen and the extensor surfaces of the limbs. It may recur in later pregnancies.* * *
pru·ri·go (proo-riґgo) [L. “the itchâ€] any of various itchy skin eruptions of unknown cause, in which the characteristic lesion (prurigo papule) is dome-shaped and has a small transient vesicle on top; in time this develops crusting or lichenification. pruriginous adj
Medical dictionary. 2011.