- pneumoconiosis, pneumokoniosis
- Inflammation commonly leading to fibrosis of the lungs caused by the inhalation of dust incident to various occupations; characterized by pain in the chest, cough with little or no expectoration, dyspnea, reduced thoracic excursion, sometimes cyanosis, and fatigue after slight exertion; degree of disability depends on the types of particles inhaled, as well as the level of exposure to them. SYN: anthracotic tuberculosis, pneumonoconiosis, pneumonokoniosis. [G. pneumon, lung, + konis, dust, + -osis, condition]- bauxite p. a condition due to the occupational inhalation of bauxite fumes emitted during the manufacture of alumina abrasives; characterized by cough, shortness of breath, a combined obstructive and restrictive breathing pattern, and impairment of diffusing capacity. SYN: Shaver disease.- collagenous p. a disease of the lungs, characterized by interstitial fibrosis, caused by inhalation of dusts or toxins in the workplace.
Medical dictionary. 2011.