- pneumocolon
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pneu·mo·co·lon (noo″mo-koґlən) [pneumo- + colon] the presence of air in the colon, either from a penetrating wound or after introduction as an aid to diagnosis.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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pneu·mo·co·lon (noo″mo-koґlən) [pneumo- + colon] the presence of air in the colon, either from a penetrating wound or after introduction as an aid to diagnosis.Medical dictionary. 2011.
Virtual colonoscopy — Intervention MeSH D023881 Virtual colonoscopy (VC, also called CT Colonography) is a medical imaging procedure which uses x rays and computers to produce two and … Wikipedia
Пневм- (Pneum-), Пневмо (Pneumo-) — приставка, обозначающая: 1. Присутствие воздуха или газа. Например: наличие газа в ободочной кишке (pneumocolon). 2. Легкое (легкие). Например: пневмогастральный (pneumogastric) относящийся к легким и желудку. 3. Дыхание. Источник: Медицинский… … Медицинские термины
Pneumo- — Prefix pertaining to breathing, respiration, the lungs, pneumonia, or air. * * * (pneum ) prefix denoting 1. the presence of air or gas. Example: pneumocolon (within the colon). 2. the lung(s). Example: pneumogastric (relating to the lungs and… … Medical dictionary
Radiocontrast agent — Radiocontrast agents are a type of medical contrast medium used to improve the visibility of internal bodily structures in an X ray based imaging techniques such as computed tomography (CT) or radiography (commonly known as X ray imaging).… … Wikipedia
ПНЕВМ- (PNEUM-), ПНЕВМО — (pneumo ) приставка, обозначающая: 1. Присутствие воздуха или газа. Например: наличие газа в ободочной кишке (pneumocolon). 2. Легкое (легкие). Например: пневмогастральный (pneumogastric) относящийся к легким и желудку. 3. Дыхание … Толковый словарь по медицине
pneumo- — pneum combining form denoting 1) the presence of air or gas. pneumocolon within the colon 2) the lung(s). pneumogastric relating to the lungs and stomach 3) respiration … The new mediacal dictionary