- plica
- plicae alares plicae synovialis infrapatellaris SYN: alar folds of intrapatellar synovial fold, under fold.- plicae epiglotticae SYN: epiglottic folds, under fold.- plicae gastropancreaticae [TA] SYN: gastropancreatic folds, under fold.- p. gubernatrix SYN: genitoinguinal ligament.- p. inguinalis an embryonic mesodermal thickening that joins the caudal end of the urogenital ridge to the anterior abdominal wall; the gubernaculum of the testis develops in it. SYN: inguinal fold.- p. interdigitalis SYN: web of fingers/toes.- p. membranae tympani SYN: mallear folds, under fold.- p. palpebronasalis [TA] SYN: palpebronasal fold.- p. paraduodenalis [TA] SYN: paraduodenal fold.- p. rectovaginalis SYN: sacrovaginal fold.- p. salpingopalatina [TA] SYN: salpingopalatine fold.- p. semilunaris of conjunctiva [TA] 1. [NA] the semilunar fold formed by the palpebral conjunctiva at the medial angle of the eye; 2. a fold of the conjunctival mucous membrane found in many animals; normally partially hidden in the medial canthus of the eye when at rest, it may be extended to cover part or all of the cornea in a winking-like action to clean the cornea, as in birds. SYN: membrana nictitans, nictitating membrane, palpebra III, palpebra tertia, third eyelid. SYN: p. semilunaris conjunctivae [TA], p. lunata, p. semilunaris of eye, semilunar conjunctival fold.- p. tubopalatina SYN: salpingopalatine fold.
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n.• plicate adj.* * *
pli·ca (pliґkə) gen. and pl. pliґcae [L.] fold: anatomical nomenclature for a ridge or fold, as of peritoneum or other membrane.Descriptions are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific folds.
Medical dictionary. 2011.