
A network or interjoining of nerves and blood vessel s or of lymphatic vessels. [L. a braid]
- abdominal aortic (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. surrounding the abdominal aorta, directly continuous with the thoracic aortic p. superiorly and continuing inferiorly to the bifurcation of the aorta as the superior hypogastric p.. SYN: p. nervosus aorticus abdominalis [TA].
- acromial p. SYN: acromial anastomosis of the thoracoacromial artery.
- p. annularis SYN: anular p..
- anterior coronary periarterial p. the part of the cardiac p. that accompanies the coronary arteries on the anterior aspect of the heart.
- anular p. a nerve p. near the corneoscleral junction from which myelinated and unmyelinated nerves pass to the cornea. SYN: p. annularis.
- aortic lymphatic p. a p. of lymph node s and connecting vessels lying along the lower portion of the abdominal aorta. SYN: p. aorticus.
- p. aorticus SYN: aortic lymphatic p..
- areolar venous p. [TA] a venous p. in the areola surrounding the nipple, formed by the mammary veins, and sending its blood to the lateral thoracic vein; erectile tissue of the areola of the nipple. SYN: p. venosus areolaris [TA], circulus venosus halleri, Haller circle (2), vascular circle (2), venous circle of mammary gland.
- p. arteriae choroideae SYN: periarterial p. of choroid artery.
- arterial p. [TA] a vascular network formed by anastomoses between minute arteries just before they become capillaries. SYN: rete arteriosum [TA], arteriolar network.
- articular vascular p. [TA] a vascular rete in the neighborhood of a joint, where such arrangements are common, enabling a collateral circulation by which blood will be supplied distal to the joint regardless of compromises resulting from joint position. SYN: rete vasculosum articulare [TA], articular network, articular vascular circle, articular vascular network, circulus articularis vasculosus.
- ascending pharyngeal p. SYN: periarterial p. of ascending pharyngeal artery.
- Auerbach p. SYN: myenteric (nervous) p..
- autonomic plexuses [TA] plexuses of nerves in relation to blood vessel s and viscera, the component fibers of which are sympathetic, parasympathetic, and sensory. SYN: p. viscerales.
- p. autonomicus brachialis [TA] SYN: brachial autonomic p..
- axillary lymphatic p. a lymphatic p. formed of the lymph node s, with their afferent and efferent vessels, in the axilla. SYN: axillary p., p. lymphaticus axillaris.
- basilar venous p. [TA] a venous p. on the clivus, connected with the cavernous and petrosal sinuses and the internal vertebral (epidural) venous p.. SYN: p. venosus basilaris [TA], basilar sinus.
- Batson p. SYN: vertebral venous system.
- brachial p. [TA] major nerve p. formed of the ventral primary rami of the fifth cervical to first thoracic spinal nerves for innervation of the upper limb. The ventral primary rami entering into formation of the p. constitute the roots of the p.; the roots are located in the posterior triangle of the neck, converging to emerge from the scalenus anterior and medius muscles. As they emerge from the scalene hiatus, the C5 and C6 roots combine to form the superior trunk, C7 remains alone as the middle trunk, and the C8 and T1 roots combine to form the inferior trunk of the p.. The trunks pass beneath the clavicle, passing from the neck into the axilla through the cervicoaxillary canal. As they cross the first rib, all three trunks divide into anterior and posterior divisions of the p.. Nerve fibers contained within anterior divisions are destined for the anterior aspect of the limb; those contained within the posterior divisions are destined for the posterior aspect of the limb. Within the axilla, the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks merge to form the lateral cord of the p.; the anterior division of the inferior trunk becomes the medial cord of the p., and the posterior divisions of all three trunks become the posterior cord, the cords being named for their position in relation to the axillary artery, to which they run parallel and which they surround. The cords of the brachial p. give rise to most of the named peripheral nerves that are the products of the p. formation. The major nerves of the lateral cord are the musculocutaneous nerve and the lateral root of the median nerve. The medial cord gives rise to the ulnar and medial root of the median nerve. The lateral and medial roots of the median nerve merge to form the medial nerve. The posterior cord of the p. gives rise to the radial and axillary nerves. SYN: p. brachialis [TA].
- brachial autonomic p. [TA] periarterial automic p. of the brachial artery. SYN: p. autonomicus brachialis [TA].
- p. brachialis [TA] SYN: brachial p..
- cardiac (nervous) p. [TA] a wide-meshed network formed by anastomosing cardiopulmonary and splanchnic nerves conveying afferent and autonomic nerve fibers (sympathetic and parasympathetic), surrounding the arch of the aorta, the pulmonary artery, and continuing to the atria, ventricles, and coronary vessels. SYN: p. nervosus cardiacus [TA].
- p. cardiacus profundus SYN: deep cardiac p..
- p. caroticus internus SYN: internal carotid venous p..
- cavernous p. of clitoris SYN: cavernous nerves of clitoris, under nerve.
- cavernous nervous p. [TA] the portion of the internal carotid p. in the cavernous sinus. SYN: p. nervosus cavernosus [TA], intracavernous p., Walther p..
- cavernous p. of penis SYN: cavernous nerves of penis, under nerve.
- cavernous (vascular) p. of conchae [TA] erectile tissue in the mucous membrane covering the conchae of the nasal cavity. SYN: p. vascularis cavernosus conchae [TA], corpus cavernosum conchae.
- celiac p. a network related to the celiac trunk. See celiac (nervous) p., celiac (lymphatic) p..
- celiac (lymphatic) p. a network formed of the efferent and afferent lymphatic vessels of the celiac lymph node s and related to the celiac trunk; the afferent lymphatic vessels bring lymph primarily from structures served by the celiac artery (stomach, duodenum, pancreas, and visceral aspect of the liver); the efferent vessels drain into the cisterna chyli/thoracic duct via the intestinal lymph trunks.
- celiac (nervous) p. [TA] the most substantial, superior portion of the abdominal aortic p. lying anterior to the aorta at the level of origin of the celiac trunk (vertebral level T-12); the celiac ganglia lie within the p.; it is formed by contributions from the greater splanchnic and vagus (especially the posterior or right vagus) nerves and communicating branches to and from the superior mesenteric and renal plexuses and ganglia; most sympathetic, parasympathetic and visceral afferent fibers serving the abdominal viscera pass through this p.. SYN: p. coeliacus [TA], p. nervosus celiacus [TA], solar p..
- cervical p. formed by loops joining the adjacent ventral primary rami of the first four cervical nerves and receiving gray communicating rami from the superior cervical ganglion; it lies deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle and sends out numerous cutaneous, muscular, and communicating rami. SYN: p. cervicalis.
- p. cervicalis SYN: cervical p..
- choroid p. [TA] a vascular proliferation or fringe of the tela choroidea in the third, fourth, and lateral cerebral ventricles; it secretes cerebrospinal fluid, thereby regulating to some degree the intraventricular pressure. SYN: p. choroideus [TA], tela vasculosa.
- p. choroideus [TA] SYN: choroid p..
- p. choroideus ventriculi lateralis [TA] SYN: choroid p. of lateral ventricle.
- p. choroideus ventriculi quarti [TA] SYN: choroid p. of fourth ventricle.
- p. choroideus ventriculi tertii [TA] SYN: choroid p. of third ventricle.
- choroid p. of fourth ventricle [TA] one of two vascular fringes of pia mater projecting on either side from the lower part of the roof of the fourth cerebral ventricle. SYN: p. choroideus ventriculi quarti [TA].
- choroid p. of lateral ventricle [TA] the vascular fringe that projects from the choroidal fissure into each lateral ventricle. SYN: p. choroideus ventriculi lateralis [TA].
- choroid p. of third ventricle [TA] the double row of vascular projections from the undersurface of the tela choroidea, where it roofs over the third ventricle. SYN: p. choroideus ventriculi tertii [TA].
- ciliary ganglionic p. an autonomic p. lying on the ciliary muscle, derived from the oculomotor, trigeminal, and sympathetic. SYN: p. gangliosus ciliaris.
- coccygeal p. [TA] a small p. formed by the fifth sacral and the coccygeal nerves; it gives origin to the anococcygeal nerves. SYN: p. coccygeus [TA].
- p. coccygeus [TA] SYN: coccygeal p..
- common carotid p. SYN: common carotid nervous p..
- common carotid nervous p. [TA] an autonomic p. accompanying the artery of the same name formed by fibers from the middle cervical ganglion. SYN: p. nervosus caroticus communis [TA], common carotid p..
- p. coronarii cordis SYN: periarterial plexuses of coronary arteries.
- coronary p. SYN: periarterial plexuses of coronary arteries.
- Cruveilhier p. a nerve p. formed by communication between the dorsal primary rami of the first three cervical nerves; it lies deep to the semispinalis capitis muscle.
- deep cardiac p. the deeper part of the cardiac p. inferior to the arch of the aorta. SYN: p. cardiacus profundus.
- deferential (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. on the seminal vesicle and ampulla of the ductus deferens on each side, derived from the inferior hypogastric p.. SYN: p. nervosus deferentialis [TA], p. of ductus deferens.
- p. of ductus deferens SYN: deferential (nervous) p..
- enteric (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic p. in the wall of the intestine; it consists of three parts, submucosal, myenteric, and subserosal; ganglionic cells are scattered through the myenteric and submucosal p.. SYN: p. nervosus entericus [TA].
- esophageal (nervous) p. [TA] one of two nervous plexuses, posterior and anterior on the walls of the esophagus; the first is formed by branches from the right vagus and left recurrent, the second by the anastomosing trunks of the vagus after leaving the pulmonary plexuses; branches supply the mucous and muscular coats of the esophagus. SYN: p. nervosus esophageus [TA], p. gulae.
- Exner p. a p. formed by tangential nerve fibers in the superficial plexiform or molecular layer of the cerebral cortex.
- external carotid (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. formed by the external carotid nerves surrounding the artery of the same name and giving origin to a number of secondary plexuses along the branches of this artery and to branches to the carotid body. SYN: p. nervosus caroticus externus [TA].
- external iliac lymphatic p. a lymphatic p. formed by the lymph node s along the external iliac artery on either side, and their afferent and efferent vessels. SYN: p. lymphaticus iliacus externus.
- facial p. SYN: periarterial p. of facial artery.
- femoral (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. surrounding the femoral artery, derived from the iliac p.. SYN: p. nervosus femoralis [TA].
- p. gangliosus ciliaris SYN: ciliary ganglionic p..
- gastric plexuses of autonomic system SYN: gastric nervous plexuses.
- p. gastrici systematis autonomici SYN: gastric nervous plexuses.
- gastric nervous plexuses [TA] the plexuses along the greater and lesser curvatures of the stomach derived from the celiac p.; also known as inferior and superior p.. SYN: p. nervorum gastricorum [TA], gastric plexuses of autonomic system, p. gastrici systematis autonomici.
- p. gulae SYN: esophageal (nervous) p..
- Haller p. a nervous p. of sympathetic filaments and branches of the external laryngeal nerve on the surface of the inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx.
- Heller p. p. of small arteries in the wall of the intestine.
- hepatic (nervous) p. [TA] an unpaired autonomic p. lying on the hepatc artery and its branches in the liver. SYN: p. nervosus hepaticus [TA].
- iliac (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic p. lying on the iliac arteries, derived from the aortic p.. SYN: p. nervosus iliacus [TA].
- inferior dental (nervous) p. [TA] formed by branches of the inferior alveolar nerve interlacing before they supply the teeth; it gives off interior dental branches to the teeth and inferior gingival branches to the gums. SYN: p. nervosus dentalis inferior [TA].
- inferior hypogastric (nervous) p. [TA] one of the bilateral autonomic p. in the pelvis distributed to the pelvic viscera; it receives the hypogastric nerves and the pelvic splanchnic nerves. SYN: p. nervosus hypogastricus inferior [TA], pelvic (nervous) p., p. nervosus pelvicus.
- inferior mesenteric (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p., derived from the abdominal aortic p., surrounding the inferior mesenteric artery and sending branches to the descending colon, sigmoid, and rectum. SYN: p. nervosus mesentericus inferior [TA].
- inferior rectal (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic plexuses along the anus derived from the inferior hypogastric p.. SYN: p. nervosus rectalis inferiores [TA], inferior hemorrhoidal plexuses.
- inferior vesical venous p. a venous p. in the female corresponding to the prostatic venous p. in the male. SYN: p. venosus vesicalis inferior.
- inguinal lymphatic p. a lymphatic p. formed of 10–15 lymph node s with their connecting vessels lying superficially near the termination of the great saphenous vein and more deeply along the femoral artery and vein. See superficial inguinal lymph node s, under lymph node. SYN: p. lymphaticus inguinalis.
- intermesenteric (nervous) p. [TA] the part of the abdominal aortic p. lying between the superior and inferior mesenteric plexuses. SYN: p. nervosus intermesentericus [TA].
- internal carotid (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic nervous p. surrounding the internal carotid artery in the carotid canal and cavernous sinus, and sending branches to the tympanic p., sphenopalatine ganglion, abducens and oculomotor nerves, the cerebral vessels, and the ciliary ganglion. SYN: p. nervosus arteriae carotidis internae.
- internal carotid venous p. a venous network around the internal carotid artery in the carotid canal of the temporal bone, connecting with the cavernous sinus and internal jugular vein. SYN: p. caroticus internus, p. venosus caroticus internus.
- internal thoracic lymphatic p. a lymphatic p., including the parasternal; (internal thoracic) lymph node s, with their vessels, situated along the course of the internal thoracic veins. SYN: mammary p., p. mammarius.
- intracavernous p. SYN: cavernous nervous p..
- p. intraparotideus nervi facialis SYN: parotid p. of facial nerve.
- intraparotid p. of facial nerve SYN: parotid p. of facial nerve.
- ischiadic p. SYN: sacral p..
- Jacobson p. SYN: tympanic (nervous) p..
- Jacques p. a nerve p. within the muscular coat of the uterine (fallopian) tube.
- jugular lymphatic p. a lymphatic p. that includes the deep cervical group of lymph node s, with their afferent and efferent vessels, extending along the internal jugular vein (carotid sheath). SYN: p. lymphaticus jugularis.
- Leber p. a small venous p. in the eye between the venous sinuses of the sclera (of Schlemm) and the spaces of the iridocorneal angle (of Fontana).
- lumbar lymphatic p. a lymphatic p. formed of about 20 lymph node s and connecting vessels situated along the lower portion of the aorta and the common iliac vessels. SYN: p. lymphaticus lumbalis.
- lumbar (nervous) p. a nervous p., formed by the ventral rami of the first four lumbar nerves; it lies in the substance of the psoas muscle. SYN: p. nervorum lumbalium.
- lumbosacral (nervous) p. [TA] formed by the union of the anterior rami of the lumbar and sacral nerves; it is divided into lumbar and sacral plexuses. SYN: p. nervosus lumbosacralis [TA].
- lymphatic p. a p. of lymphatic capillaries, usually without valves, that opens into one or more larger lymphatic vessels. SYN: p. lymphaticus.
- p. lymphaticus SYN: lymphatic p..
- p. lymphaticus axillaris SYN: axillary lymphatic p..
- p. lymphaticus iliacus externus SYN: external iliac lymphatic p..
- p. lymphaticus inguinalis SYN: inguinal lymphatic p..
- p. lymphaticus jugularis SYN: jugular lymphatic p..
- p. lymphaticus lumbalis SYN: lumbar lymphatic p..
- p. lymphaticus sacralis medius SYN: middle sacral lymphatic p..
- p. mammarius SYN: internal thoracic lymphatic p..
- p. mammarius internus SYN: periarterial p. of internal thoracic artery.
- p. maxillaris externus SYN: periarterial p. of facial artery.
- p. maxillaris internus SYN: periarterial p. of maxillary artery.
- Meissner p. SYN: submucosal (nervous) p..
- meningeal p. a nerve p. on the cerebral meninges, derived from the external carotid p.. SYN: p. meningeus.
- p. meningeus SYN: meningeal p..
- middle hemorrhoidal plexuses SYN: middle rectal (nervous) p..
- middle rectal (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic plexuses along the rectum derived from the inferior hypogastric p.. SYN: middle hemorrhoidal plexuses, p. nervosus rectalis medius.
- middle sacral lymphatic p. a lymphatic p. formed of lymph node s and connecting vessels situated chiefly in the mesorectum, anterior and inferior to the sacral promontory. SYN: p. lymphaticus sacralis medius.
- myenteric (nervous) p. [TA] a p. of unmyelinated fibers and postganglionic autonomic cell bodies lying in the muscular coat of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines; it communicates with the subserous and submucous plexuses, all subdivisions of the enteric p.. SYN: p. (nervosus) myentericus [TA], Auerbach p..
- nerve p. [TA] a p. formed by the interlacing of nerves or nerve fibers by means of numerous communicating branches or fibers. SYN: p. nervosus [TA].
- p. nervorum gastricorum [TA] SYN: gastric nervous plexuses.
- p. nervorum lumbalium SYN: lumbar (nervous) p..
- p. nervorum spinalium [TA] SYN: spinal nerve p..
- p. nervosus [TA] SYN: nerve p..
- p. nervosus aorticus abdominalis [TA] SYN: abdominal aortic (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) aorticus thoracicus [TA] SYN: thoracic aortic (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus arteriae carotidis internae SYN: internal carotid (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus cardiacus [TA] SYN: cardiac (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) cardiacus superficialis [TA] SYN: superficial cardiac (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus caroticus communis [TA] SYN: common carotid nervous p..
- p. nervosus caroticus externus [TA] SYN: external carotid (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus cavernosus [TA] SYN: cavernous nervous p..
- p. nervosus celiacus [TA] SYN: celiac (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus cervicalis posterior [TA] SYN: posterior cervical (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus deferentialis [TA] SYN: deferential (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus dentalis inferior [TA] SYN: inferior dental (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) dentalis superior [TA] SYN: superior dental (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus entericus [TA] SYN: enteric (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus esophageus [TA] SYN: esophageal (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus femoralis [TA] SYN: femoral (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus hepaticus [TA] SYN: hepatic (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus hypogastricus inferior [TA] SYN: inferior hypogastric (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) hypogastricus superior [TA] SYN: superior hypogastric (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus iliacus [TA] SYN: iliac (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus intermesentericus [TA] SYN: intermesenteric (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) lienalis splenic (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus lumbosacralis [TA] SYN: lumbosacral (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus mesentericus inferior [TA] SYN: inferior mesenteric (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) mesentericus superior [TA] SYN: superior mesenteric (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) myentericus [TA] SYN: myenteric (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) ovaricus [TA] SYN: ovarian (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) pancreaticus [TA] SYN: pancreatic (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus pelvicus inferior hypogastric (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus pharyngeus [TA] SYN: pharyngeal (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus prostaticus [TA] SYN: prostatic (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) pulmonalis [TA] SYN: pulmonary (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus rectalis inferiores [TA] SYN: inferior rectal (nervous) p..
- p. nervosus rectalis medius SYN: middle rectal (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) rectalis superior [TA] SYN: superior rectal (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) renalis [TA] SYN: renal (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) splenicus [TA] SYN: splenic (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) submucosus [TA] SYN: submucosal (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) subserosus [TA] SYN: subserous (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) suprarenalis [TA] SYN: suprarenal (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) tympanicus [TA] SYN: tympanic (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) uretericus [TA] SYN: ureteric (nervous) p..
- p. (nervosus) uterovaginalis [TA] SYN: uterovaginal (nervous) p..
- p. vesicalis [TA] SYN: vesical (nervous) p..
- p. viscerales SYN: autonomic plexuses.
- ovarian (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. derived from the aortic p. and accompanying the ovarian artery to the ovary, broad ligament, and uterine tube. SYN: p. (nervosus) ovaricus [TA].
- pampiniform venous p. a p. formed, in the male, by veins from the testicle and epididymis, consisting of 8 or 10 veins lying in front of the ductus deferens and forming part of the spermatic cord; in the female the ovarian veins form this p. between the layers of the broad ligament; in the male it is part of the thermoregulatory system of the testis, helping to keep the testis at a constant temperature slightly lower than the other body temperature. SYN: p. venosus pampiniformis [TA].
- pancreatic (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic p. that accompanies the pancreatic arteries. SYN: p. (nervosus) pancreaticus [TA].
- parotid p. of facial nerve [TA] the diverging branches of the facial nerve passing through the substance of the parotid gland, connected by numerous looped anastomoses. SYN: intraparotid p. of facial nerve, pes anserinus (1), p. intraparotideus nervi facialis.
- periarterial p. [TA] an autonomic p. that accompanies an artery, surrounding it in a network of autonomic nerve fibers. SYN: p. periarterialis [TA].
- periarterial p. of anterior cerebral artery an autonomic p. accompanying the anterior cerebral artery, derived from the internal carotid p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae cerebri anterioris.
- periarterial p. of ascending pharyngeal artery an autonomic p. on the ascending pharyngeal artery, formed of fibers from the superior cervical ganglion. SYN: ascending pharyngeal p., p. periarterialis arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis.
- periarterial p. of choroid artery an autonomic p. accompanying the artery of the same name, derived from the internal carotid p.. SYN: p. arteriae choroideae, p. periarterialis arteriae choroideae.
- periarterial plexuses of coronary arteries the continuation of the cardiac p. onto the coronary arteries. SYN: coronary p., p. coronarii cordis.
- periarterial p. of facial artery an autonomic p. on the facial artery derived from the external carotid p.; it sends a branch to the submandibular ganglion. SYN: external maxillary p., facial p., p. maxillaris externus, p. periarterialis arteriae facialis.
- periarterial p. of inferior phrenic artery an autonomic p. surrounding the inferior phrenic artery. SYN: phrenic p., p. phrenicus, p. periarterialis arteriae phrenicae inferioris.
- periarterial p. of inferior thyroid artery an autonomic p. on the inferior thyroid artery derived from the subclavian p.. SYN: inferior thyroid p., p. thyroideus inferior.
- periarterial p. of internal thoracic artery an autonomic p. on the internal thoracic artery derived from the subclavian p.. SYN: internal mammary p., internal thoracic p., p. mammarius internus, p. periarterialis arteriae thoracicae internae.
- p. periarterialis [TA] SYN: periarterial p..
- p. periarterialis arteriae auricularis posterioris SYN: periarterial p. of posterior auricular artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae cerebri anterioris SYN: periarterial p. of anterior cerebral artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae cerebri mediae SYN: periarterial p. of middle cerebral artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae choroideae SYN: periarterial p. of choroid artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae facialis SYN: periarterial p. of facial artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae lingualis SYN: periarterial p. of lingual artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae maxillaris SYN: periarterial p. of maxillary artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae occipitalis SYN: periarterial p. of occipital artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae ophthalmicae SYN: periarterial p. of ophthalmic artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae pharyngeae ascendentis SYN: periarterial p. of ascending pharyngeal artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae phrenicae inferioris SYN: periarterial p. of inferior phrenic artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae popliteae SYN: periarterial p. of popliteal artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae subclaviae [TA] SYN: periarterial p. of subclavian artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae temporalis superficialis SYN: periarterial p. of superficial temporal artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae testicularis SYN: periarterial p. of testicular artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae thoracicae internae SYN: periarterial p. of internal thoracic artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae thyroideae superioris SYN: periarterial p. of superior thyroid artery.
- p. periarterialis arteriae vertebralis SYN: periarterial p. of vertebral artery.
- periarterial p. of lingual artery an autonomic p. on the lingual artery, derived from the external carotid p.. SYN: lingual p., p. periarterialis arteriae lingualis.
- periarterial p. of maxillary artery an autonomic p. on the maxillary artery derived from the external carotid p.. SYN: internal maxillary p., maxillary p., p. maxillaris internus, p. periarterialis arteriae maxillaris.
- periarterial p. of middle cerebral artery an autonomic p. accompanying the middle cerebral artery, derived from the internal carotid p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae cerebri mediae.
- periarterial p. of occipital artery an autonomic p. on the occipital artery derived from the external carotid p.. SYN: occipital p., p. periarterialis arteriae occipitalis.
- periarterial p. of ophthalmic artery an autonomic p., entering the orbit in company with the ophthalmic artery, derived from the internal carotid p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae ophthalmicae.
- periarterial p. of popliteal artery a nerve p. surrounding the popliteal artery, derived from the femoral p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae popliteae, popliteal p., p. popliteus.
- periarterial p. of posterior auricular artery an autonomic p. on the posterior auricular artery, derived from the external carotid p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae auricularis posterioris, posterior auricular p..
- periarterial p. of subclavian artery [TA] the autonomic p. accompanying the artery of this name, formed by fibers from the stellate ganglion, and giving off secondary plexuses along the branches of the subclavian artery. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae subclaviae [TA], subclavian p..
- periarterial p. of superficial temporal artery an autonomic p. of nerves on the artery of this name, derived from the external carotid p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae temporalis superficialis, superficial temporal p..
- periarterial p. of superior thyroid artery an autonomic p. on the superior thyroid artery, derived from the external carotid p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae thyroideae superioris, superior thyroid p..
- periarterial p. of testicular artery the autonomic p. derived from the aortic p. and accompanying the testicular artery. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae testicularis, spermatic p., testicular p..
- periarterial p. of thyroid artery an autonomic p. on the thyroid artery, derived from the subclavian p..
- periarterial p. of vertebral artery p. of autonomic nerves on the vertebral artery, derives from the subclavian p.. SYN: p. periarterialis arteriae vertebralis, p. vertebralis, vertebral p..
- pharyngeal (nervous) p. 1. the p. of nerves, including branches of the glossopharyngeal, vagus, and accessory nerves (cranial root), that lies along the posterior wall of the pharynx; 2. [TA] a venous p. on the posteriolateral walls of the pharynx, emptying through the pharyngeal veins into the internal jugular. SYN: p. nervosus pharyngeus [TA].
- phrenic p., p. phrenicus SYN: periarterial p. of inferior phrenic artery.
- posterior cervical (nervous) p. [TA] not traditionally described with the major nerve plexuses, all of which are formed by ventral rami, this refers to the dorsal rami of the upper cervical spinal nerves and the relatively small communicating branches that extend between them. SYN: p. nervosus cervicalis posterior [TA].
- posterior coronary p. the portion of the cardiac p. that accompanies branches of the coronary arteries on the posteroinferior surface of the heart.
- prostatic (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. of nerves intimately associated with the capsule of the prostate, derived from the inferior hypogastric p., and giving rise to the cavernous nerves to the erectile tissue of the penis; surgical injury of this p. often results in impotence. SYN: p. nervosus prostaticus [TA].
- prostaticovesical venous p. a venous p. that includes the prostatic venous p. around the prostate gland and that of the neck of the bladder; it communicates with the vesical and pudendal plexuses, receives the deep dorsal vein of the penis, and empties, by one or more efferent vessels, into the internal iliac (hypogastric) vein; it corresponds to the inferior vesical p. in the female. SYN: p. venosus prostaticovesicalis.
- prostatic venous p. [TA] a venous p., arising chiefly from the dorsal vein of the penis, situated below the base of the bladder at the sides of the prostate. SEE ALSO: prostaticovesical venous p.. SYN: p. venosus prostaticus [TA], p. pudendalis, Santorini labyrinth.
- pterygoid venous p. [TA] a venous p. occupying the infratemporal fossa receiving veins accompanying the branches of the maxillary artery, and terminating posteriorly in the maxillary vein; anteriorly the pterygoid p. drains via the deep facial vein into the facial vein. SYN: p. venosus pterygoideus.
- p. pudendalis SYN: prostatic venous p..
- p. pudendus nervosus SYN: pudendal nerve.
- pulmonary (nervous) p. [TA] one of two autonomic plexuses, anterior and posterior, at the hilus of each lung, formed by cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves of the sympathetic trunk and bronchial branches of the vagus nerve; from them various branches accompany the bronchi and arteries into the lung. SYN: p. (nervosus) pulmonalis [TA].
- Quénu hemorrhoidal p. lymphatic plexuses in the skin about the anus.
- Ranvier p. a subbasal stroma p. of the cornea. See stroma p..
- rectal venous p. [TA] a venous p. resting upon the posterior and lateral walls of the rectum; it drains into the superior rectal vein to the portal, the middle rectal to the internal iliac, and the inferior rectal to the internal pudendal. SYN: p. venosus rectalis [TA], hemorrhoidal p..
- Remak p. SYN: submucosal (nervous) p..
- renal (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic p. surrounding the renal artery and extending with it into the substance of the kidney. SYN: p. (nervosus) renalis [TA].
- sacral p. [TA] p. formed by the fourth and fifth lumbar (lumbosacral trunk) and first, second, and third sacral nerves; it lies on the inner surface of the posterior wall of the pelvis usually embedded in the piriformis muscle; its nerves supply the lower limbs, its major product being the sciatic nerve. SYN: p. sacralis [TA], ischiadic p., sciatic p..
- p. sacralis [TA] SYN: sacral p..
- sacral venous p. a venous p. on the pelvic surface of the sacrum, formed by tributaries to the lateral sacral veins. SYN: p. venosus sacralis.
- Santorini p. venous p. on ventral and lateral prostatic surfaces.
- Sappey p. a network of lymphatics in the areola of the nipple.
- sciatic p. SYN: sacral p..
- solar p. SYN: celiac (nervous) p..
- spinal nerve p. [TA] an intermingling of fiber fascicles from adjacent spinal nerves to form a network; the major plexuses are the cervical, brachial, and lumbosacral. SYN: p. nervorum spinalium [TA], p. of spinal nerves [TA].
- p. of spinal nerves [TA] SYN: spinal nerve p..
- splenic (nervous) p. [TA] the p. of autonomic nerves along the splenic artery. SYN: p. (nervosus) splenicus [TA], p. (nervosus) lienalis.
- Stensen p. the venous network surrounding the parotid (Stensen) duct.
- stroma p. a p. of nerves in the parenchyma of the cornea consisting of the primary or deep p., in the substance of the cornea, and the subbasal or superficial p. just beneath the anterior limiting membrane.
- submucosal (nervous) p. [TA] a gangliated p. of unmyelinated nerve fibers, derived chiefly from the superior mesenteric p., ramifying in the intestinal submucosa. SYN: p. (nervosus) submucosus [TA], Meissner p., Remak p..
- suboccipital venous p. [TA] the extensive p. of veins in the suboccipital region. SYN: p. venosus suboccipitalis [TA].
- subserous (nervous) p. [TA] the subserous part of the enteric p. of autonomic nerves. SYN: p. (nervosus) subserosus [TA].
- superficial cardiac (nervous) p. [TA] the superficial and smaller subdivision of the cardiac p., formed by the left superior cardiac nerves from the left vagus and cervical sympathetic trunk; it is found beneath the aortic arch, between the arch and the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk. SYN: p. (nervosus) cardiacus superficialis [TA].
- superior dental (nervous) p. [TA] formed by branches of the infraorbital nerve, it gives off superior dental branches to the upper and superior gingival branches to the gums. SYN: p. (nervosus) dentalis superior [TA].
- superior hypogastric (nervous) p. [TA] the continuation of the aortic p. inferior to the aortic bifurcation across the fifth lumbar vertebra into the pelvis where it divides into two hypogastric nerves at the sides of the rectum; these join the pelvic splanchnic nerves to form the inferior hypogastric plexuses supplying pelvic viscera. SYN: p. (nervosus) hypogastricus superior [TA], nervus presacralis, presacral nerve, Latarget nerve (1).
- superior mesenteric (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p., a continuation of the abdominal aortic p., sending nerves to the intestines and forming with the vagus the subserous, myenteric, and submucous plexuses; this periarterial p. is so dense that it results in the appearance of a characteristic perivascular “collar” distinguishing the superior mesenteric artery from the superior mesenteric vein in several imaging modalities such as with ultrasound. SYN: p. (nervosus) mesentericus superior [TA].
- superior rectal (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic p. derived as a continuation of the inferior mesenteric p. that accompanies the superior rectal artery. SYN: p. (nervosus) rectalis superior [TA], superior hemorrhoidal p..
- suprarenal (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. formed mainly by branches from the celiac ganglion, lying at the hilus of the suprarenal gland. SYN: p. (nervosus) suprarenalis [TA].
- sympathetic plexuses [TA] autonomic plexuses, in which postsynaptic sympathetic nerve fibers are predominant.
- thoracic aortic (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. surrounding the thoracic aorta and passing with it through the aortic opening in the diaphragm to become continuous with the abdominal aortic p.. SYN: p. (nervosus) aorticus thoracicus [TA].
- p. thyroideus inferior SYN: periarterial p. of inferior thyroid artery.
- tympanic (nervous) p. [TA] a p. on the promontory of the labyrinthine wall of the tympanic cavity, formed by the tympanic nerve, an anastomotic branch of the facial, and sympathetic branches from the internal carotid p.; it supplies the mucosa of the middle ear, mastoid cells, and auditory (eustachian) tube and gives off the lesser superficial petrosal nerve to the otic ganglion. SYN: p. (nervosus) tympanicus [TA], Jacobson p..
- unpaired thyroid venous p. [TA] a venous p. in front of the lower portion of the trachea formed by anastomoses between the inferior laryngeal veins and veins emerging from the caudal border of the thyroid; it terminates in the unpaired inferior thyroid vein. SYN: p. venosus thyroideus impar.
- ureteric (nervous) p. [TA] the autonomic p. derived from the celiac p. that accompanies the ureter. SYN: p. (nervosus) uretericus [TA].
- uterine venous p. [TA] the plexiform veins that lie along the sides of the uterus in the broad ligament. SYN: p. venosus uterinus [TA].
- uterovaginal (nervous) p. [TA] a gangliated autonomic p. on each side of the cervix of the uterus, derived from the inferior hypogastric p.. SYN: p. (nervosus) uterovaginalis [TA], Frankenhäuser ganglion, Lee ganglion.
- vaginal venous p. [TA] the p. of veins that surrounds the vagina. SYN: p. venosus vaginalis [TA].
- vascular p. [TA] a vascular network formed by frequent anastomoses between the blood vessel s (arteries or veins) of a part. SYN: p. vasculosus [TA].
- p. vascularis cavernosus conchae [TA] SYN: cavernous (vascular) p. of conchae.
- p. vasculosus [TA] SYN: vascular p..
- p. venosus [TA] SYN: venous p..
- p. venosus areolaris [TA] SYN: areolar venous p..
- p. venosus basilaris [TA] SYN: basilar venous p..
- p. venosus canalis hypoglossi [TA] SYN: venous p. of canal of hypoglossal nerve.
- p. venosus caroticus internus SYN: internal carotid venous p..
- p. venosus foraminis ovalis [TA] SYN: venous p. of foramen ovale.
- p. venosus pampiniformis [TA] SYN: pampiniform venous p..
- p. venosus prostaticovesicalis SYN: prostaticovesical venous p..
- p. venosus prostaticus [TA] SYN: prostatic venous p..
- p. venosus pterygoideus SYN: pterygoid venous p..
- p. venosus rectalis [TA] SYN: rectal venous p..
- p. venosus sacralis SYN: sacral venous p..
- p. venosus suboccipitalis [TA] SYN: suboccipital venous p..
- p. venosus thyroideus impar SYN: unpaired thyroid venous p..
- p. venosus uterinus [TA] SYN: uterine venous p..
- p. venosus vaginalis [TA] SYN: vaginal venous p..
- p. venosus vertebralis SYN: vertebral venous system.
- p. venosus vesicalis [TA] SYN: vesicular venous p..
- p. venosus vesicalis inferior SYN: inferior vesical venous p..
- venous p. [TA] a vascular network formed by numerous anastomoses between veins. SYN: p. venosus [TA].
- venous p. of bladder SYN: vesicular venous p..
- venous p. of canal of hypoglossal nerve [TA] a small venous network around the hypoglossal nerve, connecting with the occipital sinus, inferior petrosal sinus, and internal jugular vein. SYN: p. venosus canalis hypoglossi [TA], circellus venosus hypoglossi, rete canalis hypoglossi.
- venous p. of foramen ovale [TA] a venous network around the mandibular nerve connecting the cavernous sinus and the pterygoid p.. SYN: p. venosus foraminis ovalis [TA], rete foraminis ovalis.
- p. vertebralis SYN: periarterial p. of vertebral artery.
- vertebral venous p. SYN: vertebral venous system.
- vesical (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. on the bladder, derived from the inferior hypogastric p.. SYN: p. vesicalis [TA].
- vesicular venous p. [TA] a p. of veins around the fundus and sides of the bladder. SYN: p. venosus vesicalis [TA], venous p. of bladder.
- Walther p. SYN: cavernous nervous p..

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plex·us 'plek-səs n, pl plex·us·es a network of anastomosing or interlacing blood vessels or nerves

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a network of nerves or blood vessels. See brachial plexus.

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plex·us (plekґsəs) pl. plexus or plexuses [L. “braid”] a network of lymphatic vessels, nerves, or veins. See also net, network, and rete. plexal adj

Descriptions are given on TA terms, and include anglicized names of specific plexuses.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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