
An alkaloid obtained from the leaves of Pilocarpus; Microphyllus or P. jaborandi (family Rutaceae), shrubs of the West Indies and tropical America; a parasympathomimetic agent used as a diaphoretic, sialogogue, and stimulant of intestinal motility, and externally as a miotic and in the treatment of glaucoma; used as the hydrochloride and the nitrate salts. [G. pilos, a felt hat, + karpos, fruit]

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pi·lo·car·pine .pī-lə-'kär-.pēn n a miotic muscarinic alkaloid that is obtained from jaborandi and is used chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride C11H16N2O2·HCl or nitrate C11H16N2O2·HNO3 esp. in the treatment of glaucoma and xerostomia

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a parasympathomimetic drug used to constrict the pupil of the eye (see miotic) and to reduce the pressure inside the eye in glaucoma. It is administered as eye drops and may cause digestive upsets and salivation if absorbed into the system. Trade name: Minims Pilocarpine.

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pi·lo·car·pine (pi″lo-kahrґpēn) [USP] a cholinomimetic alkaloid obtained from leaves of plants of the genus Pilocarpus, having predominantly muscarinic effects. When applied to the eye, it produces miosis and a transient rise and persistent fall in intraocular pressure; used in the treatment of glaucoma.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • PILOCARPINE — De formule brute C11H1622, la pilocarpine est un alcaloïde extrait des feuilles de jaborandi, Pilocarpus microphyllus , de la famille des rutacées. C’est un arbuste grêle, à petites feuilles, qui se trouve à l’état sauvage au Brésil. Il existe de …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Pilocarpine — Pi lo*car pine, n. [From NL. {Pilocarpus pennatifolius} jaborandi; L. pilus hair + Gr. karpo s fruit: cf. F. pilocarpine.] (Chem.) An alkaloid extracted from jaborandi ({Pilocarpus pennatifolius}) as a white amorphous or crystalline substance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • pilocarpine — n. a parasympathomimetic drug administered as eye drops or gel to reduce the pressure inside the eye in glaucoma (see miotic). It is also administered orally to treat dry mouth; side effects may include headache, frequent urination, and sweating …   The new mediacal dictionary

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  • pilocarpine hydrochloride — [USP] the monohydrochloride salt of pilocarpine, applied topically to the eye in the treatment of glaucoma or to counteract the effects of cycloplegics and mydriatics following examination or surgery; also administered orally in the treatment of… …   Medical dictionary

  • pilocarpine nitrate — [USP] the nitrate salt of pilocarpine, having the same actions and ophthalmic uses as the hydrochloride salt …   Medical dictionary

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