
Semisynthetic drug derived from morphine. Discovered in 1874, it was introduced commercially in 1898 by the Bayer company in Germany. The name heroin was coined from the German heroisch meaning heroic, strong. Heroin is stronger (more potent) than morphine.
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An alkaloid, C17H17(OC2H3O)2ON, prepared from morphine by acetylation; rapidly metabolized to morphine in the body; formerly used for the relief of cough. Except for research, its use in the United States is prohibited by federal law because of its potential for abuse. SYN: diacetylmorphine. [trade name (it was marketed as theheroineof analgesic drugs)]

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her·o·in 'her-ə-wən n a strongly physiologically addictive narcotic C21H23NO5 that is made by acetylation of but is more potent than morphine and that is prohibited for medical use in the U.S. but is used illicitly for its euphoric effects called also acetomorphine, diacetylmorphine, diamorphine

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a white crystalline powder derived from morphine but with a shorter duration of action. Like morphine it is a powerful narcotic analgesic whose continued use leads to dependence. It is used medicinally (as diamorphine) for the relief of severe pain.

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her·o·in (herґo-in) diacetylmorphine.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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