Gland, sweat

Gland, sweat
The sweat (sudoriferous) glands are small tubular structures situated within and under the skin (in the subcutaneous tissue). They discharge sweat by tiny openings in the surface of the skin. The sweat is a transparent colorless acidic fluid with a peculiar odor. It contains some fatty acids and mineral matter. It is also called perspiration.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • sweat gland — sweat′ gland n. anat. one of the minute, coiled, tubular glands of the skin that secrete sweat • Etymology: 1835–45 …   From formal English to slang

  • sweat gland — n. any of the very small, coiled, tubular glands in the subcutaneous tissue that secrete sweat: see SKIN …   English World dictionary

  • Gland — Gland, n. [F. glande, L. glans, glandis, acorn; akin to Gr. ? for ?, and ? to cast, throw, the acorn being the dropped fruit. Cf. {Parable}, n.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Anat.) (a) An organ for secreting something to be used in, or eliminated from, the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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