
A genus of strongyle nematodes (subfamily Oesophagostominae) that encyst in the intestinal wall of herbivores and primates, causing nodular disease. Larvae appear to stimulate a host reaction in the intestinal wall, forming nodules in which the worms complete their development (unless the host is immune); they then leave the nodule and feed as adults in the lumen of the large intestine. [G. oisophagos, gullet (esophagus), + stoma, mouth]
- O. apiostomum a nematode species that has been reported in northern Nigeria and central Africa to encyst under the submucosa of the human intestine and occasionally cause dysentery; a common parasite of monkeys and apes, both in captivity and in the wild.
- O. brevicaudum a nematode species that occurs in the cecum and colon of pigs in North America and India.
- O. brumpti a nematode species described from African monkeys and reported occasionally in humans.
- O. columbianum a nematode species that occurs in sheep, goats, and wild African antelopes; except when present in large numbers, it does not appear to seriously affect the health of the host.
- O. dentatum a nematode species that affects the colon of swine; the lesions are similar to those in sheep.
- O. georgianum a nematode species that occurs in the cecum and colon of pigs in the U.S.
- O. quadrispinulatum a species that occurs in the cecum and colon of pigs in the Americas, Europe, and Southeast Asia.
- O. radiatum a species that occurs worldwide in cattle and water buffalo; the lesions are similar to those of sheep.
- O. stephanostomum a species of nematode occurring in chimpanzees, monkeys, and gorillas in Africa, but also reported from humans and monkeys in Brazil.
- O. venulosum a species that occurs worldwide in the cecum and colon of cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and many other ruminants.

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Oe·soph·a·gos·to·mum i-.säf-ə-'gäs--məm n a genus of nematode worms of the family Strongylidae comprising the nodular worms of ruminants and swine and other worms affecting primates including humans esp. in Africa
Each boldface word in the list below is a chiefly British variant of the word to its right in small capitals.
oestradiol - ESTRADIOL
oestral cycle - ESTRAL CYCLE
oestrin - ESTRIN
oestrinization - ESTRINIZATION
oestriol - ESTRIOL
oestrogen - ESTROGEN
oestrogenic - ESTROGENIC
oestrogenically - ESTROGENICALLY
oestrogenicity - ESTROGENICITY
oestrone - ESTRONE
oestrous - ESTROUS
oestrual - ESTRUAL
oestruate - ESTRUATE
oestruation - ESTRUATION
oestrum - ESTRUM
oestrus - ESTRUS

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a genus of parasitic nematodes occurring in Brazil, Africa, and Indonesia. It is a rare intestinal parasite of humans, producing symptoms of dysentery in cases of heavy infection. The worms may also invade the tissues of the gut wall, giving rise to abscesses. The worms can be eliminated with anthelmintics.

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Oesoph·a·gos·to·mum (ə-sofə-gosґto-məm) [Oesophagus + Gr. stoma mouth] the nodular worms, a genus of nematodes of the family Strongylidae, parasitic in the intestines of various animals; the larvae often encyst in the intestinal wall, while the adults are mostly free in the lumen. See nodular worm disease, under disease.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • Oesophagostomum — n. a genus of parasitic nematodes occurring in Brazil, Africa, and Indonesia. It is a rare intestinal parasite of humans, producing symptoms of dysentery in cases of heavy infection. The worms may also invade the tissues of the gut wall, giving… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • oesophagostomum —  ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈgästəməm noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from esophag + stomum : a genus of nematode worms (family Strongylidae) comprising the nodular worms of ruminants and swine and other worms affecting primates including man,… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Oesophagostomum radiatum — a species that causes nodular worm disease in cattle …   Medical dictionary

  • Oesophagostomum stephanostomum — a species, normally parasitic in gorillas; a single human case has been recorded from Brazil …   Medical dictionary

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