- Oesophagostomum stephanostomum
- a species, normally parasitic in gorillas; a single human case has been recorded from Brazil.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Medical dictionary. 2011.
Oesophagostomum — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Order: Strongylida … Wikipedia
Oesophagostomum — A genus of strongyle nematodes (subfamily Oesophagostominae) that encyst in the intestinal wall of herbivores and primates, causing nodular disease. Larvae appear to stimulate a host reaction in the intestinal wall, forming nodules in which the… … Medical dictionary
Эзофагостомоз — (Oesophagostomosis) гельминтоз из группы нематодозов человека и домашних животных, характеризующийся поражением кишечника, в основном толстой кишки … Википедия
Aneilema aequinoctiale — Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae … Wikipedia