
A form of line chart showing scales for the variables involved in a particular formula in such a way that corresponding values for each variable lie in a straight line intersecting all the scales. SYN: nomograph (2). [G. nomos, law, + gramma, something written]
- blood volume n. a n. used to predict blood volume on the basis of the individual's weight and height.
- cartesian n. a n. based on rectangular coordinates, representing two variables, on which a family of isopleths is superimposed for each of the additional variables involved. [from R. Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician, 15961650]
- d'Ocagne n. an alignment chart consisting of an arrangement of three or more graduated lines (straight or curved), each constituting a scale of values of a variable, constructed so that any straight line crossing these scales connects the simultaneously compatible values; from values for any two variables, the values of all other variables can be determined.
- Radford n. a n. used to predict necessary tidal volume for artificial respiration on the basis of respiratory rate, body weight, and sex; correction factors are supplied for activity, fever, altitude, metabolic acidosis, and alterations in dead space.
- Siggaard-Andersen n. a n. used to predict acid-base composition of blood by the slope and position of a buffer line constructed when PCO2 on a logarithmic scale is plotted against pH.

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no·mo·gram 'näm-ə-.gram, '-- n a graphic representation that consists of several lines marked off to scale and arranged in such a way that by using a straightedge to connect known values on two lines an unknown value can be read at the point of intersection with another line

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nom·o·gram (nomґo-gram) [nomo- + -gram] a figure consisting of three or more straight or curved lines, each graduated for a different variable and aligned in such a way that a straightedge crossing all of the scales cuts the scales at values of the variable that have a specified mathematical or empirical relationship. Called also nomograph.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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