Nomina Anatomica

Nomina Anatomica
The modification of the Basle N. or BNA system of anatomic terminology adopted in 1955 by the International Congress of Anatomists in Paris, France. The International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee was responsible for continued revisions of the NA that had been reviewed and adopted by the International Congress of Anatomists meeting at five-year intervals from 1955 to 1985. NA was replaced by Terminologia Anatomica [TA] in 1998, produced by the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology.

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No·mi·na An·a·tom·i·ca 'näm-ə-nəə-'täm-i-kə, 'nō-mə-nə- n the Latin anatomical nomenclature that was prepared by revising the Basle Nomina Anatomica, adopted in 1955 at the Sixth International Congress of Anatomists, and modified at subsequent Congresses abbr. NA

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(NA) No·mi·na Ana·to·mi·ca (NA) (noґmĭ-nə an″ə-tomґĭ-kə) [L. “anatomical names”] a former official body of anatomical nomenclature, applied specifically to that revised by the International Anatomical Nomenclature Committee appointed by the Fifth International Congress of Anatomists held at Oxford in 1950, and approved by the Sixth International Congress of Anatomists (Paris, 1955) with revisions approved by the Seventh (New York, 1960), Eighth (Wiesbaden, 1965), Tenth (Tokyo, 1975), Eleventh (Mexico City, 1980), and Twelfth (London, 1985) International Congresses of Anatomists. It has been superseded by Terminologia Anatomica [TA] (1998).

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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