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Muskeleiweißkörper — Muskeleiweißkörper, in den quergestreiften Muskeln enthaltene Eiweißkörper. Die nach dem Tod eintretende Muskelstarre beruht darauf, daß einer dieser Körper, das Myosinogen (etwa 20 Proz. der M.), in eine fibrinartige Substanz (Myosin) übergeht.… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
myogen — Proteins extracted from skeletal muscle with cold water, largely the enzymes promoting glycolysis; from the residue, alkaline 0.6 mol L−1 KCl extracts actin and myosin as actomyosin, with myosin further separable into two meromyosins by … Medical dictionary
rigor — 1. SYN: rigidity (1). 2. SYN: chill (2). [L. stiffness] acid r. coagulation of muscle protein induced by acids. calcium r. arrest of the heart in the fully contracted state as a result of po … Medical dictionary