
A toxin with neurologic effects, first isolated from Amanita muscaria (fly agaric) and also present in some species of Hebeloma and Inocybe. The quaternary trimethylammonium salt of 2-methyl-3-hydroxy-5-(aminomethyl)tetrahydrofuran, it is a cholinergic substance whose pharmacologic effects resemble those of acetylcholine and postganglionic parasympathetic stimulation (cardiac inhibition, vasodilation, salivation, lacrimation, bronchoconstriction, gastrointestinal stimulation).

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mus·ca·rine 'məs-kə-.rēn n a toxic ammonium base [C9H20NO2]+ that is biochemically related to acetylcholine, is found esp. in fly agaric, acts directly on smooth muscle, and when ingested produces profuse salivation and sweating, abdominal colic with evacuation of bowels and bladder, contracted pupils and blurring of vision, excessive bronchial secretion, bradycardia, and respiratory depression

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mus·ca·rine (musґkə-rēn) a cholinomimetic alkaloid occurring in the mushrooms Amanita muscaria and various species of the genera Inocybe and Clitocybe; ingestion causes muscarinism, a type of mushroom poisoning characterized by parasympathetic effects such as decrease in heart rate and contractility; bronchoconstriction; dilation of arterioles; increase in motility, tone, and secretion of the stomach and intestines; stimulation of the urinary bladder; and stimulation of the salivary, lacrimal, and sweat glands. See also muscarinic receptors, under receptor.

Medical dictionary. 2011.

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  • MUSCARINE — Alcaloïde, de formule brute C9H212N, que l’on trouve dans divers champignons supérieurs comme l’amanite tue mouches (Amanita muscaria ), l’amanite panthère (Amanita pantherina ) et les inocybes. Ces champignons poussent dans les régions tempérées …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • muscarine — noun Etymology: German Muskarin, from New Latin (Amanita) muscaria fly agaric Date: 1872 a toxic alkaloid base [C9H20NO2]+ that is biochemically related to acetylcholine, is found especially in fly agaric, and acts directly on smooth muscle …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • muscarine — Toxin (alkaloid) from the mushroom Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric) that binds to (muscarinic) acetylcholine receptors …   Dictionary of molecular biology

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