- mucormycosis
- Infection with fungi of the order Mucorales; to be distinguished from zygomycosis, a broader term that includes infections caused by fungi of the order Entomophthorales.
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mu·cor·my·co·sis .myü-kər-mī-'kō-səs n, pl -co·ses -.sēz mycosis caused by fungi of the genus Mucor usu. primarily involving the lungs and invading other tissues by means of metastatic lesions* * *
mu·cor·my·co·sis (mu″kor-mi-koґsis) [Mucor + -mycosis] 1. fungal infection by members of the order Mucorales, such as species of Rhizopus, Mucor, or Absidia, usually an opportunistic infection in immunocompromised or debilitated patients. Organisms enter through the respiratory tract, digestive tract, or a skin lesion, and then invade blood vessel walls and are disseminated in the blood; spread along nerve trunks also occurs. The disease may affect the head and neck, the respiratory tract, the digestive tract, or occasionally the skin. Clinical manifestations range from chronic to fulminant. Fungi of class Entomophthorales cause a similar condition called entomophthoromycosis. Called also phycomycosis and zygomycosis. 2. a similar infection in domestic animals, causing abortion or placentitis in cows and rumenitis in ruminants.
Medical dictionary. 2011.