- methylprednisolone
- m. acetate has the same actions and uses as m.; aqueous suspensions are suitable for intrasynovial and soft tissue injection.- sodium m. succinate it has the same metabolic and anti-inflammatory actions as the parent compound, m.; because of its solubility it can be administered in small volumes.
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meth·yl·pred·nis·o·lone -pred-'nis-ə-.lōn n a glucocorticoid C22H30O5 that is a derivative of prednisolone and is used as an anti-inflammatory agent also any of several of its salts (as an acetate) used similarly see MEDROL* * *
n.a glucocorticoid (see corticosteroid) used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, and allergic states. It is administered by mouth, intravenously, and intramuscularly; side-effects include electrolyte imbalance, muscle weakness, and abdominal distension. Trade names: Depo-Medrone, Medrone, Solu-Medrone.* * *
meth·yl·pred·nis·o·lone (meth″əl-pred-nisґə-lōn) [USP] a synthetic glucocorticoid derived from progesterone, used in replacement therapy for adrenocortical insufficiency and as an antiinflammatory and immunosuppressant in a wide variety of disorders; administered orally.
Medical dictionary. 2011.