- loop
- 1. A sharp curve or complete bend in a vessel, cord, or other cylindrical body, forming an oval or circular ring. SEE ALSO: ansa. 2. A wire (usually of platinum or nichrome) fixed into a handle at one end and bent into a circle at the other, rendered sterile by flaming, and used to transfer microorganisms. [M.E. loupe]- Biebl l. a continuous l. of small intestine brought through the abdominal wall to a subcutaneous location, for observation of motility.- bulboventricular l. the portion of the early-somite embryonic cardiac tube that evolves into the ventricle and bulbus cordis. SYN: ventricular l..- cruciform loops a secondary structure of DNA formed by the hydrogen bonding of self-complementary regions.- D l. a structure in replicating circular DNA. SYN: displacement l..- displacement l. SYN: D l..- gamma l. the reflex arc consisting of small anterior horn cells and neuroma, their small fibers projecting to the intrafusal bundle producing its contraction, which initiates the afferent impulses that pass through the posterior root to the anterior horn cells, inducing a stretch reflex. SYN: gamma motor neurons, gamma motor system, Granit l..- Gerdy interatrial l. a muscular fasciculus in the interatrial septum of the heart, passing backward from the atrioventricular groove.- hairpin loops single-stranded DNA and RNA can fold back on itself under the proper conditions forming irregular double-helical loops.- Henle l. SYN: nephronic l..- Hyrtl l. a communicating l. between the right and left hypoglossal nerves, lying between the geniohyoid and genioglossus muscles or in the substance of the geniohyoid; it is found in about one in ten persons. SYN: Hyrtl anastomosis.- lenticular l. the pallidal efferent fibers curving around the medial border of the internal capsule. SYN: ansa lenticularis [TA], lenticular ansa.- memory l. an electronic device for retrieving data that had been stored and/or displayed upon the oscilloscope at an earlier time; used for reviewing electrical events immediately preceding a specific disturbance.- Meyer-Archambault l. the fibers of the visual radiation that l. around the tip of the temporal horn.- nephronic l. the U-shaped part of the nephron extending from the proximal to the distal convoluted tubules, consisting of descending and ascending limbs, located in the medulla renalis and medullary ray. SYN: Henle ansa, Henle l..- peduncular l. SYN: ansa peduncularis.- loops of spinal nerves loops of the spinal nerves, connecting ventral primary rami of the spinal nerves. SYN: ansae nervorum spinalium.- subclavian l. SYN: ansa subclavia.- vector l. a smooth or irregular, usually elliptical, curve representing the average direction and magnitude of the heart's action from moment to moment throughout the cardiac cycle. SEE ALSO: vector (2), vectorcardiogram.- ventricular l. SYN: bulboventricular l..- Vieussens l. SYN: ansa subclavia.
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loop 'lüp n1) a curving or doubling of a line so as to form a closed or partly open curve within itself through which another line can be passedb) a surgical electrode in the form of a loop3) a fingerprint in which some of the papillary ridges make a single backward turn without any twist4) a wire usu. of platinum bent at one end into a small loop (usu. four millimeters in inside diameter) and used in transferring microorganisms* * *
n.1. a bend in a tubular organ, e.g. Henle's loop in a kidney tubule.2. one of the patterns of dermal ridges in fingerprint.* * *
(lp) 1. a turn or sharp curve in a cordlike structure; see also ansa. 2. something, such as a figure or course, having such a curved or circular shape. 3. an instrument used in microbiology, consisting of a rod-shaped metal handle holding a firm wire of platinum or nichrome, whose free end is formed into a ring that usually has an inside diameter of 4 mm. It is used for the inoculation of cultures of bacteria and fungi.
Medical dictionary. 2011.