- logospasm
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logo·spasm (logґo-spaz″əm) 1. logoclonia. 2. stuttering (def. 1).
Medical dictionary. 2011.
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logo·spasm (logґo-spaz″əm) 1. logoclonia. 2. stuttering (def. 1).Medical dictionary. 2011.
speech — Talk; the use of the voice in conveying ideas. [A.S. spaec] alaryngeal s. a form of s. achieved after laryngectomy by using either an external vibratory source or the pharyngoesophageal segment as an internal vibratory source. see also esophageal … Medical dictionary
stuttering — A phonatory or articulatory disorder, characteristically beginning in childhood, with intense anxiety about the efficiency of oral communications, and characterized by dysfluency: hesitations, repetitions, and prolongations of sounds and… … Medical dictionary
logoclonia — logo·clo·nia (log″o kloґne ə) [logo + clonus + ia] spasmodic repetition of words or parts of words, particularly the end syllables, often occurring in Alzheimer disease. Cf. stuttering (def. 1). Called also logospasm … Medical dictionary