- speech
- alaryngeal s. a form of s. achieved after laryngectomy by using either an external vibratory source or the pharyngoesophageal segment as an internal vibratory source. see also esophageal s.. Tracheoesophageal s. may be produced after laryngectomy by surgically diverting exhaled air to the pharynx by a permanently constructed tracheoesophageal fistula.- clipped s. SYN: scamping s..- cued s. a system of communication with a person with profound hearing impairment in which handshapes are used to cue sounds to supplement spoken language.- esophageal s. a technique for speaking following total laryngectomy; consists of drawing air into the esophagus and regurgitating it, producing a vibration in the hypopharynx.- helium s. the peculiar high-pitched, often unintelligible s. sounds produced when one breathes a mixture of up to 80° per cent helium and 20° per cent oxygen.- scamping s. a form of lalling in which consonants or syllables that are difficult to pronounce are omitted. SYN: clipped s..- staccato s. an abrupt utterance, each syllable being enunciated separately; noted especially in multiple sclerosis. SYN: syllabic s..- syllabic s. SYN: staccato s..- tracheoesophageal s. a form of alaryngeal s. obtained by a surgical technique which creates a shunt between trachea and esophagus, allowing pulmonary air to generate upper esophageal and pharyngeal mucosal vibrations as a substitute for vocal cord vibrations when the larynx is surgically removed.
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(spēch) the utterance of vocal sounds conveying ideas. Cf. phonation.
Medical dictionary. 2011.