- Exotropia
- Divergent gaze. Also called external strabismus or, pejoratively, wall-eyed (like a walleyed pike).
* * *That type of strabismus in which the visual axes diverge; may be paralytic or concomitant, monocular or alternating, constant or intermittent. SYN: divergent squint, divergent strabismus, exodeviation (2), external squint, wall-eye (1). [exo- + G. trope, turn]- divergence excess e. e. in which the strabismus is notably greater for far vision than for near vision.- divergence insufficiency e. e. in which the strabismus is notably greater for near vision than for far vision.
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exo·tro·pia (ek″so-troґpe-ə) [exo- + tropia] strabismus in which there is permanent deviation of the visual axis of one eye away from that of the other, resulting in diplopia; called also divergent or external strabismus, and walleye. exotropic adjExotropia.
Medical dictionary. 2011.